Delm-compiler is an experimental project trying to compile Elm to Solidity.
Delm aka Decentralized Elm.
Both elm and solidity are amazing projects that are solving different problems.
- Elm enables developers to write safe code for reliable webapps;
- Solidity enables developers to write Smart Contracts which governs the behaviour of accounts within the Ethereum state.
Delm tries to leverage the best of both worlds.
Type safe code in the blockchain
- Elm-like architecture, to manage blockchain states;
- Elm type-inference to minimize (remove?) runtime errors;
- Leverage Elm and Solidity ecosystems, where possible;
- Solidity security and tooling;
- Elm debugging.
module ERC20.ERC20 exposing (..)
import Concept.Contract
( Basic(..)
, Contract
, FunctionIO(..)
, Interface(..)
, InterfaceIO(..)
, deploy
import Concept.Core exposing (Address, Global, Requirements, throw, zeroAddress)
import Concept.DefaultValues as Default
import Concept.Mapping as Mapping exposing (Mapping(..))
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
deploy <|
Contract ( constructor, ITuple3 ( IString, IString, IInt ) )
type alias Model =
{ balances : Mapping Address Int
, allowances : Mapping Address (Mapping Address Int)
, totalSupply : Int
, name : String
, symbol : String
, decimals : Int
constructor : Global -> FunctionIO -> Model
constructor global params =
( name, symbol, totalSupply ) =
case params of
Tuple3 ( RString n, RString s, RInt ts ) ->
( n, s, ts )
_ ->
throw ("Oops. Invalid parameters.")
{ balances = Mapping.insert global.msg.sender totalSupply (Mapping.empty
, allowances = Mapping.empty (Mapping.empty
, totalSupply = totalSupply
, name = name
, symbol = symbol
, decimals = 18
type Msg
= BalanceOf Address
| Transfer Address Int
| GetAllowance Address Address
| Approve Address Int
| TransferFrom Address Address Int
| Name
| Symbol
| Decimals
| TotalSupply
update : Msg -> Global -> Model -> ( Requirements, Model, FunctionIO )
update msg global model =
case msg of
BalanceOf address ->
balance =
Mapping.get address model.balances
( []
, model
, Single <| RInt balance
Transfer address amount ->
senderBalance =
Mapping.get global.msg.sender model.balances
updatedBalances =
Mapping.insert global.msg.sender (senderBalance - amount) model.balances
recipientBalance =
Mapping.get address updatedBalances
( [ ( global.msg.sender /= zeroAddress, "ERC20: transfer from the zero address" )
, ( address /= zeroAddress, "ERC20: transfer to the zero address" )
, ( senderBalance >= amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance" )
, ( amount > 0, "ERC20: amount should be positive" )
, { model
| balances =
Mapping.insert address
(recipientBalance + amount)
, Single <| RBool True
GetAllowance owner spender ->
allowancesMapping =
Mapping.get owner model.allowances
allowedBalance =
Mapping.get spender allowancesMapping
( [], model, Single (RInt allowedBalance) )
Approve spender amount ->
allowancesMapping =
Mapping.get global.msg.sender model.allowances
allowances =
Mapping.insert global.msg.sender
(Mapping.insert spender amount allowancesMapping)
( [ ( global.msg.sender /= zeroAddress, "ERC20: approve from the zero address" )
, ( spender /= zeroAddress, "ERC20: approve to the zero address" )
, { model | allowances = allowances }
, Single <|
RBool True
TransferFrom sender recipient amount ->
senderBalance =
Mapping.get sender model.balances
updatedBalance =
Mapping.insert sender (senderBalance - amount) model.balances
recipientBalance =
Mapping.get recipient updatedBalance
allowancesMapping =
Mapping.get sender model.allowances
allowedBalance =
Mapping.get global.msg.sender allowancesMapping
allowances =
Mapping.insert sender
(Mapping.insert global.msg.sender (allowedBalance - amount) allowancesMapping)
( [ ( sender /= zeroAddress, "ERC20: transfer from the zero address" )
, ( recipient /= zeroAddress, "ERC20: transfer to the zero address" )
, ( senderBalance >= amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance" )
, ( allowedBalance >= amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance" )
, ( amount > 0, "ERC20: amount should be positive" )
, { model
| allowances = allowances
, balances =
Mapping.insert recipient
(recipientBalance + amount)
, Single <|
RBool True
Name ->
( [], model, Single <| RString )
Symbol ->
( [], model, Single <| RString model.symbol )
Decimals ->
( [], model, Single <| RInt model.decimals )
TotalSupply ->
( [], model, Single <| RInt model.totalSupply )
This isn't a set in stone roadmap, but as of right now a path the project could take:
Phase 0 (current): Develop the Delm Interpreter. This will allow developers to experience the creation of Smart Contracts in Delm. The Interpreter will feature a web playground similar to Remix where developers can test how a Delm Smart Contract behaves.
Phase 1: Develop the Delm Compiler. This will enable developers to generate .sol files from their .elm source code. They should be deployable-ready to any Ethereum or Ethereum-like network. Preferably they are easily readable by humans.
Beyond: Security. Ecosystem. Community. Bytecode generation. Having Phase 1 completed the project can take many directions. As of today the goal is: Provide a good experience to developers looking to write reliable, secure and predictable Smart Contracts to Ethereum-compatible networks.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.