Easily build distributed applications that scale!
var bus = require('bus.io')(3000);
var client = io.connect();
client.on('connect', function () {
client.emit('echo', 'Hello, World!');
client.on('echo', function (who, what) {
Bus.io seamlessly connects clients and servers together over a network using socket.io and redis. Providing a message bus that all app instances communicate on.
Bus.io enables your app instances to all work together by providing a way for all of them to produce, handle, and distribute messages. Your app instances become both a producer and a consumer on the backbone of redis. Bus.io abstracts the socket away by introducing actors. Actors are the people, services or clients that are producing messages. By associating a socket with an actor it enables that when the message is delivered to that actor it will be delivered to each socket associated with it.
Each socket is associated with one ore more actors. When a socket receives data, the data is encapsulated as a messsage and written to a queue. Since all of your app instances are connected to that queue, one of them will receive the message for processing. After the instance procsses the message it can be delivered to the target. A target is just another actor, so if your actor is associated with multiple sockets. Each socket regardless of which app instance it is connected to, it will receive the data from the message.
Install node.js (See download and install instructions here: http://nodejs.org/).
Install redis (See download and install instructions http://redis.io/topics/quickstart)
Clone this repository
> git clone [email protected]:NathanGRomano/bus.io.git
cd into the directory and install the dependencies
> cd bus.io
> npm install && npm shrinkwrap --dev
This is a simple server that will process a message and deliver it to the target.
var bus = require('bus.io')(3000);
bus.on('echo', function (message) {
On the client could do this
var socket = require('socket.io-client')('http://localhost:3000');
socket.on('connect', function () {
socket.emit('echo', 'hello');
socket.on('echo', function (who, what, target, created) {
console.log('Socket ' + who + ' said ' + what + ' to ' + target + ' at ' + created);
##Getting a bus is simple.
Here we can use an already existing socket.io instance.
var io = require('socket.io')();
var bus = require('bus.io')();
Or you can just listen to a port.
var bus = require('bus.io')();
You can listen to a server with express.
var app = require('express')();
var server = require('http').createServer(app).listen(3000, function (err) { });
var bus = require('bus.io')(server);
You can even sperate out express, socket.io, and bus.io.
var app = require('express')();
var server = require('http').createServer(app).listen(3000, function (err) { });
var io = require('socket.io')(server);
var bus = require('bus.io')(io);
You have the ability to control the underlying socket.io instance
bus.io().on('connection', function (socket) {
You can bind custom socket.io handlers to each socket when it is connected.
bus.socket(function (socket, bus) {
socket.emit('hello socket.io', 'from bus.io');
The actor is the entity associated with a socket. Actors each have their own channel. Actors send messages to other actors. By default an actor is represented by the socket identifier. You can customize this behavior. Here we are using a username from a session.
bus.actor(function (socket, cb) {
cb(null, socket.handshake.data.session.user);
You could write a middleware
function to set the actor on the message too.
// set actor
bus.in(function (message, socket, next) {
The target also is an actor. The target can be pulled from the socket or the parameters from a message received on a socket. By default the target is the socket identifier.
bus.target(function (socket, params, cb) {
cb(null, params.pop());
You can write a middleware function to set the target too.
// set target
bus.in(function (message, socket, next) {
If the client had done this:
The target will be "you"
socket.emit('say', 'hello', 'you');
Set up an alias for your actor. When a message is sent to the alias the socket will receive the message.
bus.socket(function (socket, bus) {
socket.get('user', function (err, user) {
if (err) return socket.emit('err');
if (!user) return socket.emit('login', 'You must login');
bus.alias(socket, user.name);
The bus instance has it's on method overridden. You can still add listeners by
calling addListener('event', function() {})
You can specify middleware functions to manipulate the messages incoming from the socket before going into the bus
bus.in(function (message, socket, next) {
message.content()[0] += '!';
next(); //you must call next or either message.deliver(), message.consume(), message.respond()
bus.in('chat', function (message, socket, next) {
message.content()[0] += '!!';
Messages received can be propagated to their target by calling deliver.
Here we are writing out the message contents. After this handler is executed the message will continue to propagate.
bus.on('some message', function (message) {
You can also propagate a message to an additional target.
bus.on('some message', function (message) {
message.deliver('some target');
Or many targets either passing in multiple recipients or calling deliver multiple times.
bus.on('some message', function (message) {
message.deliver('b', 'c', 'd').deliver('e');
It is possible to consume a message so it won't be delivered to the original recipient and then deliver it to other recipients.
bus.on('some message', function (message) {
message.consume().deliver('some target').deliver('other', 'targets');
You can respond to messages too.
bus.on('some message', function (message) {
message.respond({some:'some other content'});
Or even create new messages.
bus.on('some message', function (message) {
A chain-able approach.
bus.on('some message', function (message) {
Or simply
bus.on('some message', function (message) {
You can write handlers middleware functions too.
This example will uppercase the content for all messages.
bus.on(function (message, next) {
You can specify middleware functions to manipulate the messages incoming from the exchange before going to the socket.
bus.out(function (message, socket, next) {
message.data.content[0] += '!';
next(); //you must call next or either message.deliver(), message.consume(), message.respond()
bus.out('chat', function (message, socket, next) {
message.content()[0] += '!!';
Most methods are chain-able. Excepts for when you are getting an object.
.actor(function (socket, cb) { ... })
.target(function (socket, params, cb) { ... })
.socket(function (socket, bus) { ... })
.in(function (message, socket, next) { ... })
.on('some event', function (message) { ... })
.out(function (message, socket, next) { ... })
Not chain-able
This will produce a runtime error.
The Server is exposed by require('bus.io')
var bus = require('bus.io')();
var bus = require('bus.io')(3000);
var io = require('socket.io')();
var bus = require('bus.io')(io);
var server = require('http').createServer(function (req, res) {}).listen(function (err) {});
var bus = require('bus.io')(server)
Sets the function that will grab the actor. The default implementation
will use the socket.id
. This method is called when the socket connection is
bus.actor(function (socket, cb) {
cb(null, socket.id);
The callback cb
takes two parameters err
and actor
You may pass an Error
object for the first argument if you encounter an error
or would like to trigger one.
bus.actor(function (socket, cb) {
socket.get('user', function (err, user) {
if (err)
return cb(err);
if (!user)
return cb(new Error('Need to login'));
return cb(null, user.name);
Gets the function that will grab the actor from a socket.
var actorFn = bus.actor();
Sets the function that will grab the target from the request. The
default implementation will use the socket.id
. This method is called for each
request from the socket
The client would emit this.
socket.emit('shout', 'hello', 'You');
We would like "You"
to be the actor.
bus.target(function (socket, params, cb) {
cb(null, params.pop());
If you encounter an error you can also pass one along.
bus.target(function (socket, params, cb) {
if (params.length === 0) {
cb(new Error('You are you talking to?!'));
else {
cb(null, params.pop());
You get to decide your own convention.
Gets the method that will grab the target from the request.
var targetFn = bus.target();
This method will allow you to bind a function to the connection
event that
socket.io supports.
We would like to tell the client "Hello"
when they connect.
bus.socket(function (socket, bus) {
socket.emit('greet', 'Hello');
With alias your actor will receive messages whenever their alias receives one. This is useful if you want to associate a socket to a logged in user.
bus.alias(socket, 'nathan');
A good place to do this is when the client is connected to the server.
bus.socket(function (socket, bus) {
socket.get('user', function (err, user) {
if (err) return socket.emit('error', err);
if (!user) return socket.emit('login', 'You must login');
bus.alias(socket, user.name);
The in method will use the passed function(s) when a message is received
from the socket
. This allows you to modify the message before it
is sent to the exchange
bus.in(function (message, socket, next) {
You can pass in multiple functions or arrays of functions.
bus.in(function (a,b,c) {...}, function (a,b,c) {...}, [function (a,b,c) {...}, function(a,b,c) {...}]);
You can set up handlers for specific messages.
bus.in('chat', function (message, socket, next) {
// do something
If you bind multiple handlers they will be called in this order
bus.in('chat', function (message, socket, next) {
bus.in(function (message, socket, next) {
bus.in('chat', function (message, socket, next) {
// The output of message.content() will be 'ABC';
You can control propagation with consume()
, deliver()
, respond()
as well.
bus.in(function (message, socket, next) {
bus.in(function (message, socket, next) {
// will not be called because the message will delivered to the target
// as a result of calling deliver!!
// consume()
bus.in(function (message, socket, next) {
// the message will just die here
The on method binds a handler to the queue. The handler will process each message and give you the ability to either deliver the message or discard it. That is up to your application requirements.
bus.on('some event', function (message) {
Or you can use the optional next
parameter. You may eiter call next()
invoke the next handler. Or you may call message.deliver()
, message.respond()
or message.consumed()
to control the message's propagation.
bus.on('some event', function (message, next) {
// do something!
The out method will use the passed function(s) when a message is received
from the exchange
. This allows you to modify the message before it
is sent to the socket
Here you could save the message to a mongo store using mongoose.
//assuming you have mongoose and a message model
var Message = monngose.model('Message');
bus.out(function (message, socket, next) {
new Message(message.data).save(function (err) {
if (err) return next(err);
You can pass in multiple functions or arrays of functions.
bus.out(function (a,b,c) {...}, function (a,b,c) {...}, [function (a,b,c) {...}, function(a,b,c) {...}]);
You can set up handlers for specific messages.
bus.out('chat', function (message, socket, next) {
// do something
If you bind multiple handlers they will be called in this order
bus.out('chat', function (message, socket, next) {
bus.out(function (message, socket, next) {
bus.out('chat', function (message, socket, next) {
// The output of message.content() will be 'ABC';
You can control propagation with consume()
, deliver()
, respond()
as well.
bus.out(function (message, socket, next) {
bus.out(function (message, socket, next) {
// will not be called because the message will delivered to the target
// as a result of calling deliver!!
// consume()
bus.out(function (message, socket, next) {
// the message will just die here
You can either pass a port
, server
, or socket.io
bus.listen(require('http').createServer(function (req, res) { }));
This will create you an object for building a message that you can deliver. The
can either be an object or an instanceof of Message
A chain-able approach.
Or simply
Gets the exchange the server uses to publish information.
See message-exchange
var exchange = bus.exchange();
Sets the exchange the server uses to publish information.
See message-exchange
for more information.
var exchange = require('bus.io').Exchange.make();
Gets the Queue
the Exchange
var queue = exchange.queue();
Sets the Queue
the Exchange
See message-exchange
var queue = require('bus.io').Exchange.Queue.make();
Gets the PubSub
the Exchange
See message-exchange
var pubsub = exchange.pubsub();
Sets the PubSub
the Exchange
var pubsub = require('bus.io').Exchange.PubSub.make();
Instead of having to write a function to deliver a message like this.
bus.on('some message', function (message) {
We could call autoPropagate(true)
so that any method we have not declared a
handler for will automatically be propagated.
Auto-propagation is on by default. You may turn it off to prevent unwanted
messages from going into your bus
Install coffee-script
> npm install coffee-script -g
Tests are run using grunt. You must first globally install the grunt-cli with npm.
> sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
To run the tests, just run grunt
> grunt spec
There are open issues ff you would like to contribute please fork and send me a pull request!
You will need a redis server up and running to run the demos at this time
> node examples/hello.js
Demos are under the /demo
directory. There is currently a basic chat program.
Using regex instead of just string literals.
bus.in(/\w+/, function (message, socket, next) {
// or
bus.in('user does *', function (message, socket, next) {
When messages are published it would be nice if we can validate the message and verify the integrity of the message.
This could be implemented using a middleware
Each actor has their own channel currently. It maybe nice to utilize that functionality. One can broadcast their message to a number of targets
bus.on('some event', function (message) {