Delibra is a decentralized library and marketplace for books where authors and readers get access to both paid and free books. We also did not limit our DAPP to native book owners; Students in schools can use it to upload past exam questions, chefs can upload book recipes, and anybody can publish articles. We want to immortalize information, and we are using blockchain to do so
The directory is made up of two open source smart contracts written in solidity in the Delibra folder,
The Book cover contract and the User authentication smart contracts are currently deployed on the Polygon zkEVM testnet.
User Authentication contract address
The Ui-library directory holds the frontend of the dapp built using Nextjs and Chakra Ui.
The Files which are encrypted using lit protocol are store on are stored on Bundlr using Arweave
Link to Whitepaper
A quick video demo to show how the daap works.