cd ~
git clone --recursive [email protected]:degete/tmux-conf.git ~/.tmux
ln -s .tmux/tmux.conf .tmux.conf
By default, the prefix
is: ⌃ + a.
However, the default ⌃ + b can be used instead, to do so uncomment it on general.conf
- Edit plugins.conf
- Add plugins e.g.:
set -g @plugin '<plugin>'
+ I install plugins and reload tmux environment
+ U update plugins
+ ⌥ + u remove plugins
A set of tmux options that should be acceptable to everyone.
Restore tmux environment after system restart.
+ ⌃ + s save environment
+ ⌃ + r restore environment
Continuous saving of tmux environment, automatic tmux start when computer/server is turned on and automatic restore when tmux is started.
⌥ + r reload tmux configuration
+ < show tmux session menu
+ > reload tmux pane menu
⌥ + N rename session
⌥ + t new window
⌥ + W kill window
⌥ + ← previous window
⌥ + → previous window
⌥ + n rename window
⌥ + w kill pane
⌥ + d split pane vertical
⌥ + D split pane horizontal
⌥ + ⇧ + ↑ move to upper pane
⌥ + ⇧ + ↓ move to lower pane
⌥ + ⇧ + ← move to left pane
⌥ + ⇧ + → move to right pane
⌥ + z zoom pane