A set of Elixir helpers to set/get test selectors to/from elements in a Phoenix app (when Mix.env == :test
). These selectors are hashed (scoped to the view module they are used in) for accurate selection and "leakage" prevention. See our Wiki for examples.
Why? Because we prefer reserving classes for styling, and id's have limitations because they have to be unique.
- Floki v0.25.x and higher
def deps do
{:test_selector, "~> 0.3.3"}
Use TestSelector.HTML.Helpers
to your web.ex.
- In phoenix 1.2.0 at
- In newer Phoenix versions
Add somewhere along:
def view(opts \\ []) do
quote do
use Phoenix.HTML
use TestSelector.HTML.Helpers
Testing with Floki
In the tests import the TestSelector.Test.FlokiHelpers
defmodule Project.Web.MyTest do
import TestSelector.Test.FlokiHelpers
Run the tests:
mix test
Copyright (c) 2017 Defacto
Released under the MIT License, which can be found in the repository in LICENSE.md.