Yet simple tool to paste images into latex files
An image on the clipboard gets "pasted" into the .tex document being edited: the plugin hooks <leader>p
, checks if a latex file is being edited, saves the image from the clipboard to the location img/image1.png
, and inserts
into the file.
Using VimPlug
Plug 'dedzago/latex-img-paste.vim'
Add to .vimrc
autocmd FileType tex,latex nnoremap <silent> <leader>p :call mdip#LatexClipboardImage()<CR>
" there are some defaults for image directory and image name, you can change them
" let g:mdip_imgdir = 'img'
" let g:mdip_imgname = 'image'
Forked repository from ferrine originally for Markdown, modified for LaTeX.