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Welcome to nvim-terminal-config 👋


Version Documentation License: Apache License 2.0 Github-followers   Twitter: deRohitRoyace

Configuring terminal (bash) and Neovim for developer experience like that in VScode.

📷 Screenshots:




📌 Requires:

🔌 Plugins Used:

  • Airline lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.
  • NERDTree a file system explorer for the Vim editor.
  • Multiple Cursors True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim.
  • CSS Color A very fast, multi-syntax context-sensitive color name highlighter.
  • Vim Devicons Adds file type icons to Vim plugins such as: NERDTree, vim-airline, CtrlP, unite, Denite, lightline, vim-startify and many more
  • Conquer of Completion (COC) Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
  • Tagbar a class outline viewer for Vim
  • Treesitter syntax highlighter (**experimental use).
  • Bracey plugin for live preview: html, css, and javascript editing in vim.
  • Tabline A lightweight Vim/Neovim plugin to display buffers and tabs in the tabline.
  • Vim transparent Remove all background color on Vim.
  • Material color scheme for vim.
  • NeoSolarized Another solarized color theme for truecolor neovim / vim.

⚙ Installation Guide:

Go to Home > Open terminal > copy the following commands:

Clone the reposiotry:

git clone

Bash Terminal Setup:

⚠️ WARNING: Before doing anything below, make sure you create a backup for your .bashrc file.

cp nvim-terminal-config/bashrc .bashrc

Neovim / Vim Setup:

cp nvim-terminal-config/init.vim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

All your nvim config are present here ~/.config/nvim/init.vim Open nvim / vim and then :PluginInstall and hit ENTER to install all the plugins and get ready with your nvim setup.

🔰 Usage for Nvim / Vim

Open your terminal and create a testfile.txt:

nvim testfile.txt
  • By default the init.vim is configured to transparent mode. You can disable it by simply doing :TransparentDisable and enable it by doing :TransparentEnable

  • To open a file explorer in the editor do this :NERDTree or CTRL + E

  • To see the class outline or tags e.g. macros, functions, varibales, etc., do this :TagbarToggle

  • To open terminal in the editor :term

  • To open smart tab line :tabnew

🔠 Keymaps:

  • ALT + ⬆ to move line Up.

  • ALT + ⬇ to move line Down.

  • CTRL + ⬆ to copy line Up.

  • CTRL + ⬇ to copy line Down.

  • F9 go to previous tab.

  • F10 go to next tab.

Author ✍

👤 Rohit Roy

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📝 License

Copyright © 2022 Rohit Roy.
This project is Apache License 2.0 licensed.

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