The cDnsServer DSC resources configure and manage a DNS server. They include cDnsServerSecondaryZone, cDnsServerZoneTransfer and cDnsRecord.
Please check out common DSC Resources contributing guidelines.
- cDnsServerSecondaryZone sets a Secondary zone on a given DNS server. Secondary zones allow client machine in primary DNS zones to do DNS resolution of machines in the secondary DNS zone.
- cDnsServerZoneTransfer This resource allows a DNS Server zone data to be replicated to another DNS server.
- cDnsRecord This resource allwos for the creation of A records agaisnt a specific zone on the DNS server
- Name: Name of the secondary zone
- MasterServers: IP address or DNS name of the secondary DNS servers
- Ensure: Whether the secondary zone should be present or removed
- Type: Type of the DNS server zone
- Name: Name of the DNS zone
- Type: Type of transfer allowed. Values include: { None | Any | Named | Specific }
- SecondaryServer: IP address or DNS name of DNS servers where zone information can be transfered.
- Name: Name of the DNS zone
- Zone: The name of the zone to create the record in
- Target: The IP address of the A record
- Type: DNS Record Type. Values include: { A-Record | C-Name }
- Renamed DNSArecord to DNSRecord and added C-Names functionality
- Fix to retrieving settings for record data
- Removed UTF8 BOM from MOF schema
- Add cDnsRecord resource.
- Initial release with the following resources
- cDnsServerSecondaryZone
- cDnsServerZoneTransfer
configuration Sample_cDnsServerZoneTransfer_TransferToAnyServer
Import-DscResource -module cDnsServer
cDnsServerZoneTransfer TransferToAnyServer
Name = $DnsZoneName
Type = $TransferType
Sample_cDnsServerZoneTransfer_TransferToAnyServer -DnsZoneName '' -TransferType 'Any'
configuration Sample_cDnsServerSecondaryZone
Import-DscResource -module cDnsServer
cDnsServerSecondaryZone sec
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = $ZoneName
MasterServers = $SecondaryDnsServer
Sample_cDnsServerSecondaryZone -ZoneName '' -SecondaryDnsServer ''
configuration Sample_Arecord
Import-DscResource -module cDnsServer
cDNSRecord TestRecord
Name = "testArecord"
Target = ""
Zone = ""
Type = "A-record"
configuration Sample_Cname
Import-DscResource -module cDnsServer
cDNSRecord TestRecord
Name = "testCname"
Target = "testtarget"
Zone = ""
Type = "Cname"