YelpCamp is a full-stack web application where users can share and review campgrounds. This repository is an improved version of a project of the same name associated with The Web Developer Bootcamp, a popular online course created by Colt Steele that is designed to teach full-stack web development. This project was built as a learning exercise to understand and implement various web development concepts including user authentication, CRUD operations, and RESTful routing.
- User Authentication: Sign up, log in, and log out functionality.
- Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations for campgrounds.
- Add and manage comments on campgrounds.
- Responsive design using Bootstrap.
- Map integration with Mapbox to display campground locations.
- Password confirmation upon signing up
- Home page image slideshow
- Improved Typography
- Improved responsiveness
- Improvements to navbar
- Layout and styling changes to the index page
- Addition of carousel on index page for mobile views
- Map style/theme change
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, EJS templates
- Database: MongoDB
- Authentication: Passport.js
- Maps: Mapbox API
Thanks to Colt Steele, creator of The Web Developer Bootcamp Course for the original YelpCamp project idea.