This project is a web application predicated upon the power of three kinds of recommendation algorithms (collaborative-filtering recommendation algorithm, content-based recommendation algorithm, and the hybrid recommendation algorithm). By default, the hybrid recommendation algorithm (which is a combination of the previous two) is used, but in the app.js file, the code for the remaining two are commented out.
app.get('/', catchAsync(async (req, res) => {
let recommendedTopics = [];
// if(req.user){
// const similarUsers = await collaborative.getSimilarUsers(req.user._id, 3);
// const topics = await collaborative.recommendTopics(req.user, similarUsers);
// recommendedTopics = await Topic.find({_id: {$in : => topic.topicId)}}).populate('course');
// shuffleArray(recommendedTopics);
// }
// if(req.user){
// const topics = await contentBased.recommendTopics(req.user);
// recommendedTopics = await Topic.find({_id: {$in : topics}}).populate('course');
// }
const similarUsers = await collaborative.getSimilarUsers(req.user._id, 3);
const topics = await collaborative.recommendTopics(req.user, similarUsers);
const collaborativeTopics = => topic.topicId);
const contentBasedTopics = await contentBased.recommendTopics(req.user);
hybridTopics = mergeArrays(collaborativeTopics, contentBasedTopics);
hybridTopics = hybridTopics.slice(0, 4);
recommendedTopics = await Topic.find({_id: {$in : hybridTopics}}).populate('course')
const courses = await Course.find({});
res.render('index', { courses, recommendedTopics });
One can easily comment out the hybrid section and un-comment any one you wish to use.
Do not use more than one algorithm at the same time
For more on recommendation algorithms, click here