- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Datawheel/authority-health (8a5b3bb)
- redesigns Loading screen (0a96b04)
- switches click to show/hide behavior (73cf6d6)
- switches default map color to majorelle (3b354e9)
- adjusts & themes a bunch of visualizations (d33c04e)
- adds insurance colors to Disability Status bar chart (51d9648)
- corrects stats and text in EducationalAttainment (0214774)
- fixes function call (271ee01)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Datawheel/authority-health (faea6ab)
- commit after merging and updating new changes (f1227a5)
- consolidates Reading Assessment stats (acf9352)
- removes some empty divs & fixes typography (77f8a5a)
- allows sources to load in gracefully, minimizing repaints (3f0d4bd)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Datawheel/authority-health (9ca05a0)
- removes previous logic for Geomap & corresponding stats (9a78054)
- corrects stat grammar (16a72e8)
- fixes promise leaks in image endpoint (a360ddc)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Datawheel/authority-health (33b9d95)
- hooks up real MapCardList data (771bdaa)
- actually updates canon dependencies (8f2bdf2)
- simplifies solidBackground App logic (701bb9e)
- updates canon dependencies (0b2c11e)
- uncomments require-jsdoc rule in .eslintrc 😅 (72350fb)
- hooks up random profile route (786d8fc)
- removes deprecated ArticleList (fdc3eea)
- changes default Nav and Footer location link to Wayne County (1ab6f66)
- tweaks Homeless language (fe36fd6)
- fixes stacked viz margins (9d53edb)
- stacks Transportation vizzes (c11b366)
- fixes Pie chart fill opacity (1875bb0)
- removes static height from HealthCenterDemographics (0d641b7)
- uppercases lowercase Data in disclaimers (680bcbf)
- fixes cancer demographic stacking (58d5941)
- modifies variable name (ad3c192)
- corrects coverage calculation (822ee8a)
- HealthInsuranceCoverage: add geomap and corresponding stats based on the type of profile page user is on (d05fedf)
- fixes typo (6b1378b)
- moves childrenTractIds need from VisionAndAuditoryDisabilities to Profile component (8d5556f)
- adds ":children" relation to logiclayer (48ca83c)
- corrects age and gender below poverty percentage (8382603)
- adds level of school in stat and text of DropoutRate (a80212c)
- replaces emplty divs with null (42f0d81)
- removes duplicate Disclaimer from Unemployment (e3b392d)
- removes unused data in SourceGroup (4b72a7b)
- resolves merge conflicts (d82599e)
- updates male and female stats throughout project with StatGroup component (85e87c6)
- organizes profile sections, tweaks typography (ce359c9)
- styles SourceGroup component (d2075c7)
- fixes stat statement (ff748dd)
- adds one more data source link to FoodStamps (e51627c)
- Merge pull request #43 from Datawheel/feature-if-its-text-content-dont-make-it-a-div (63dc298)
- converts SourceGroup from a to a
- adds data source link to all subsections under accessToCare (c63ab5b)
- adds data source link to all subsections under builtSocialEnvironment (f121021)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Datawheel/authority-health (912ab4a)
- adds data source link to each subsecton under Economy (58a6182)
- adds StatGroup component, tests on Obesity&Diabetes section gender stats (1d44d6c)
- adds data source link to all subsections under Education (f18a49b)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Datawheel/authority-health (e770938)
- adds source links to all subsections under foodAccess (b446bcb)
- keeps inline select menus from breaking awkwardly (3ebd234)
- 100% fixes heading anchors from preventing clicks on previous sections (52c0432)
- merge after pulling the code (4f0033e)
- adds data source using SourceGroup to PhysicalInactivity (f4830d0)
- adds source link to all the subsections under health behaviors, health conditions, natural enviornment, and special population (81701c0)
- annihilates layout-breaking empty div💥 (9d559cc)
- updates canon (0e4f5e0)
- adds SourceGroup component and a helper function updateSource to fetch and display data source (4c4c46d)
- converts Disclaimer into a component (a7390d5)
- styles disclaimers (f3fad58)
- rebalances stat typography (dd5dbde)
- adjusts stat disclaimer style depending on the length of the string (12ba266)
- styles section multiselects & fixes section titles obscuring click area (f4bfa0e)
- adds immigrants in poverty stats under Poverty subsection (3be0bcf)
- modifies texts, adds glossary as suggested in feedback (02babe0)
- styles section popover buttons (757daa1)
- shows default charts for each cancer breakdown (80ebce0)
- adds Geomap for different levels of Geography for VisionAndAuditoryDisabilities (ab94b57)
- removes unused label from Geomap (dc73694)
- adds place name for all the tracts in all the components where tracts are shown (d6026b2)
- moves topStats fetchData to Profile.jsx (d4c02b7)
- uses PromiseThrottle to serve all 611 tracts request (fd63e96)
- adds Geomap to Vision and auditory disability (21a224a)
- fixes text and removes height main charts (14f97f1)
- fixes comparison text order (bbc2cc0)
- adds title for mini viz (ec7dedf)
- modifies component to have dropdown for each type of difficulty (23d08d8)
- modifies text (9b6dae0)
- adds edge case for the breaking formatName function (830c91e)
- splits a grouped barchart into 2 horizontal barcharts (fb35883)
- adds title to charts in component with more than 1 viz and removes text description of the charts (b318de1)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Datawheel/authority-health (2c5436c)
- replaces hidden line break from landing page with
(3dad94e) - adds chart title for 2 charts (d785bc9)
- adds Tract to Place search code (7944c38)