1.7.0 - report events to Kubernetes
Adds support to report events of successful / failed run on vault-crd resource.
This adds to the vault-crd resource events which can be listed via describe command.
Available events are:
- SuccessfulCreated (Created secret out of vault-crd resource)
- FailedCreation (Secret creation out of vault-crd resource failed with exception)
- SuccessfulModified (A secret was successfully modified out of vault-crd resource change or secret was updated in vault)
- FailedModification (A secret update out of vault-crd failed with an exception)
- RotationTriggered (A changeAdjustmentCallback was called to rotate a resource which is dependent on the vault-crd / secret resource)
- FixedOwnerReference (A Owner reference was fixed, for details please see 8b10f6e)
- DeletionOfResource (Vault-CRD resource was deleted and the corresponding secret was deleted by the controller)