This is a Neural Networks implementation in pure Rust. The only libraries used are -
- for generating random weightslibm
- for for various math functions
// Make a network
let network: Vec<Box<dyn Learn>> = vec![
Box::new(DenseLayer::new(2, 3)),
Box::new(Sigmoid::new(3, 3)),
Box::new(DenseLayer::new(3, 1)),
Box::new(Sigmoid::new(1, 1)),
// Add inputs
let xtrain = vec2d![[....]];
let ytrain = vec2d![[....]];
// Train
let trained_network = train(network, 1000, &xtrain, &ytrain, 0.1);
// Predict
let output = predict(&trained_network, &<xtest>);
Add convolution and other activation functions