A C#/.NET API wrapper for the NPM Registry.
The primary goal of this library is to provide strong types and corresponding support for deserialization of NPM registry's particular format of JSON responses.
Add the NpmRegistry.Wrapper Nuget package to your project
and use INpmRegistryClient
to retrieve data about specific packages.
This package assumes usage of .NET dependency injection
and requires registration of IHttpClientFactory.
Basic usage is demonstrated in the samples\NpmRegistry.Wrapper.Sample
project and in the code block below:
// Sample DI setup
var builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddSingleton<INpmRegistryClient, NpmRegistryClient>();
var host = builder.Build();
// Sample usage to get information of a specific package version
var npmRegistryClient = host.Services.GetRequiredService<INpmRegistryClient>();
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var packageData = await npmRegistryClient.GetPackageData("my-package", "1.2.3", cts.Token);
Console.WriteLine($"Package:'{packageData.Name}' by author:'{packageData.Author?.Name}'");
This project targets .NET 8.0 and can be built and tested using standard commands.
- Build:
dotnet build
- Run Tests:
dotnet test
Please feel free to send pull requests and raise issues (but first do a search of open issues to see if someone has already filed a similar request).
NpmRegistry.Wrapper is licensed under the MIT license.