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# RoboCup SPL and Humanoid League GameController

This is the GameController developed by team B-Human for the RoboCup SPL and
Humanoid League.

If there are any questions, please contact [email protected] or
[email protected] .

Follow @BHumanOpenSrc on Twitter to get notifications about recent activity.

The sources mentioned in some sections of this document are available at .

### Acknowledgement

The development was partially supported by the RoboCup Federation within the
calls for Support for Projects for League Developments for 2013 and 2015.

## 1. Building from Source

To build it from the source code you may use Apache Ant.
Just call "ant" in the main directory.

Building the source code requires the JDK 1.7 or newer.

## 2. GameController

### Executing the Jar

Double-click GameController.jar or run 

Usage: `java -jar GameController.jar {options}`

    (-h | --help)                   display help
    (-t | --test)                   use test-mode - currently only disabling the
                                    delayed switch to playing in SPL
    (-i | --interface) <interface>  set network interface (default is a
                                    connected IPv4 interface)
    (-l | --league) (spl | spl_dropin | hl_kid | hl_teen | hl_adult)
                                    select league (default is spl)
    (-w | --window)                 select window mode (default is fullscreen)

### Start Dialog

Select your league. The default can be specified as a command line parameter
(see above).

Pick the two teams that are playing. They have to be different teams. If you are
practicing alone, use the "Invisibles" as second team.

SPL: The GameController automatically selects the jersey colors as defined in
the file "teams.cfg". The left teams jersey color is picked first regardless if
it has a custom jersey or not. For both teams, the first jersey color that they
have and, if picking second, that does not conflict with the jersey color of the
opponent is selected in the following sequence:

* Left team: custom 1, custom 2, blue, red
* Right team: custom 1, custom 2, red, blue

The GameController operator can switch each teams color to their secondary color
if it is necessary to distinguish the jersey colors.

You also have to select whether you play a game in the preliminaries or a
play-off game. In the preliminaries the clock will continue to run during game
stoppages and there will be no penalty shootout in case of a draw. In play-off
games, the clock will be stopped and there may be penalty shootout.

HL: You also have to select whether you play a normal game or a knock-out game.
A knock-out game will continue after a draw with two halves of extra time (if
goals were scored before) and then a penalty shoot-out if necessary. You can
also select whether teams exchange their colors in the halftime.

You can select whether the GameController should run in fullscreen mode or in
windowed mode. Note that the fullscreen mode does not work correctly on some
Linux desktops, because although they report to Java that they would support
this feature, they do not.

### Main Screen

The use of the main screen should be rather obvious in most cases. Therefore, we
only focus on the specialties.

When ever you made a mistake, use the undo history at the bottom of the screen
to correct it. You cannot correct individual decisions (except for the last
one). Instead, you can only roll back to a certain state of the game. Click the
oldest decision in the history you want to undo. After that all decisions that
would be undone will be marked. Click the decision again to actually undo it
together with all decisions that followed.

To penalize a robot, first press the penalty button, then the robot button. The
only exception is the state "Set" in playoff games, in which the "Motion in Set"
penalty is preselected and robots can be penalized by simply clicking on them
(selecting other penalties is still possible). For unpenalizing a robot, just
press the robot button.  A robot can only be unpenalized, when its penalty time
is over or when the game state changes (SPL only). Ten seconds before the
penalty time is over, the robot's button starts flashing yellow. For regular
penalties, it continues to flash until the button is pressed. Only buttons of
robots that were requested for pickup stop flashing after ten seconds and simply
stay yellow until they are pressed, as a reminder that the robot can return as
soon as it is ready. Robots with a "Motion in Set" penalty stay on the field and
will be automatically unpenalized 15 seconds after pressing the button "Play".

Before unpenalizing a robot that was taken off the field, please make sure that
it was put back on the field by the assistant referees. For that reason, robots
are never unpenalized automatically.

To substitute a robot, press "Substitute" and then the robot that should leave
the field.  Afterwards, any of the substitutes can be activated. If the robot
that is replaced is already penalized, its substitute inherits the penalty. If
it is not, the substitute can immediately enter the field in the HL, but gets a
"request for pickup" penalty before it can enter the field in the SPL.

When pressing the big "+" (goal), "Timeout", or "Global Game Stuck", the other
team gets the next kick-off.

SPL: When the referee decides that too much game time has been lost, use the
thin "+" next to the clock to increase the game time in one-minute steps. This
is only available during stoppages of play.

### Penalty Shootout

In the penalty shootout, press "Set" and place the robots in their correct
locations. Press "Play" to start a single shot. The penalty shot is ended by
either pressing "+" for the penalty taker or by pressing "Finish" if the shot
failed. In both cases, a penalty shot ends in the state "Finished". Press "Set"
again to start the next shot.

### Shortcuts

While the GameController is running, you may use the following keys on the
keyboard instead of pushing buttons:

    Esc       - press it twice to close the GameController
    Delete    - toggle test-mode (everything is legal, every button is visible
                and enabled)
    Backspace - undo last action

only SPL

    B    - out by blue
    R    - out by red
    Y    - out by yellow
    K    - out by black
         - the new team colors implemented for RoboCup 2016 do not yet have a key

    P    - pushing
    L    - leaving the field
    I    - fallen / inactive / local game stuck
    D    - illegal defender
    G    - kickoff goal 
    O    - illegal ball contact
    U    - request for pickup
    C    - coach motion
    T    - teammate pushing
    S    - substitute

only Humanoid-League

    B    - out by blue
    R    - out by red

    M    - ball manipulation
    P    - physical contact
    A    - illegal attack
    D    - illegal defense
    I    - service / incapable
    S    - substitute

## 3. GameStateVisualizer

### Executing the Jar

Double-click GameStateVisualizer.jar or run 

Usage: `java -jar GameStateVisualizer.jar {options}`

    (-h | --help)                   display help
    (-w | --window)                 select window mode (default is fullscreen)
    (-l | --league) (spl | spl_dropin | hl_kid | hl_teen | hl_adult)
                                    select league (default is spl)

### Shortcuts

In addition to the usual keyboard combinations to terminate the application
(Alt+F4 / Cmd+Q), pressing F11 toggles between the normal mode and the test
mode. In the latter, the messages sent by the GameController are dumped on
the screen.

## 4. TeamCommunicationMonitor

The TeamCommunicationMonitor (TCM) is a tool for visualizing the data
communicated by robots during SPL games.

It serves two main purposes:

1. offering diagnostic data such as which robots are communicating on which
   team ports and whether the data that is sent by these conforms to the
   SPLStandardMessage, which is the standard communication protocol in the SPL
2. visualizing the data that was sent via SPLStandardMessages in both textual
   and graphical form.

For more info see [TCM](

## 5. libgamectrl (SPL)

libgamectrl automatically provides the GameController packets in ALMemory. 
It also implements the return channel of the GameController. It handles the 
buttons and LEDs according to the rules (with a few additions).

### Installation

Put the file somewhere on your NAO and add the library to your
file "autoload.ini" so that NAOqi can find it. The binary provided was built for
NAOqi 2.1.

It is also possible to build the library from source using Aldebaran's qibuild
framework. The qiproject.xml and CMakeList.txt have been placed in libgamectrl's
source folder. Just follow the instructions of the README file there.

### Usage

In your NAOqi module, execute the following code at the beginning (only once):

    AL::ALMemoryProxy *memory = new AL::ALMemoryProxy(pBroker);
    memory->insertData("GameCtrl/teamNumber", <your team number>);
    memory->insertData("GameCtrl/teamColour", <your default team color>);
    memory->insertData("GameCtrl/playerNumber", <your robot's player number>);

The team number must be non-zero. Setting the team number will reset libgamectrl
(i.e. go back to the initial state). libgamectrl will also set
"GameCtrl/teamNumber" back to zero, so it will recognize the next time your
application is started.

Setting the default team color can actually be omitted now. In that case, it is
black, i.e. the corresponding foot LED is switched off.

You can receive the current GameController packet with:

    RoboCupGameControlData gameCtrlData; // should probably zero it the first time it is used
    AL::ALValue value = memory->getData("GameCtrl/RoboCupGameControlData");
    if (value.isBinary() && value.getSize() == sizeof(RoboCupGameControlData))
        memcpy(&gameCtrlData, value, sizeof(RoboCupGameControlData));

### Deviations from the Rules

The first time the chest button is pressed it is ignored, because many teams 
will use it to let the robot get up.

In the Initial state, it is also possible to switch between "normal", 
"penalty taker" (green LED), and "penalty goalkeeper" (yellow LED) by pressing 
the right foot bumper. The state is shown by the right foot LED, and only in 
the Initial state. An active GameController will overwrite these settings.

## 6. Coach Messages

The coach broadcasts messages as defined in SPLCoachMessage.h to the UDP port
SPL_COACH_MESSAGE_PORT through the wireless network. Players are not permitted
to listen to this port. The GameController will integrate the coach messages
into the RoboCupGameControlData packet and forward them to the players according
to the SPL rules. Since coach messages must be human readable, it is assumed
that they are a zero-terminated string and all data after the first zero
character is zeroed, too.

The GameStateVisualizer also displays the coach messages.

Please note that the field "team" now contains the team number, not the color.

## 7. Misc

The format of the packets the GameController broadcasts at port
is defined in the file RoboCupGameControlData.h. It differs from the version used
in 2014 in several ways:

- Inside the messages, teams are now identified by their number rather than their 
  color (e.g. kickOffTeam, dropInTeam).

- SPLCoachMessage as well as TeamInfo now have a sequence number of 1 byte which
  is set by the coach.

- Coach messages now have a data packet size of 81 bytes instead of 40. 

- RoboCupGameControlData now has the gameType flag, which indicates whether the
  current game is a round-robin game (time does not stop), a drop-in player game
  (the same, but only one half), or a play-off game, i.e. a (quarter / semi)
  final (time is stopped).

## 8. Known Issues

There are still a number of issues left:

- When running on the same PC, the GameStateVisualizer sometimes does not
  receive the GameController packets anymore. This error is hard to reproduce,
  but it happened quite often in Eindhoven. It did not in João Pessoa, but there 
  the GameStateVisualizer was never running for a long time in a row.
- The qibuild file for libgamectrl is untested.

- The alignment of button labels is bad if the buttons are small.

- The GameController is not displaying properly on Windows-High-Res-Systems.


Change the GameController to accept our own team






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