Releases: DSpace/vagrantbox-ubuntu
VagrantBox-Ubuntu Release 2.0
VagrantBox-Ubuntu Release 1.1
This is version 1.1 of the customized Vagrant base box image, known as 'precise64', for use with Vagrant-DSpace. It includes GuestAdditions 4.3.4 (to maintain compatibility with the current version of Virtualbox), and has an /etc/apt/sources.list file which is configured to use, so developers who use this base box are not forced to use the US-based apt package servers.
What's new with this release?
A few packages have been added to the default image, including curl, geoip-bin, Ruby 1.9.3 and Apt-Spy2. These are to support better provisioning by Apt.. The Ubuntu deb mirror functionality is a bit too fragile to be trusted, though we'll still use it as a fallback, since AptSpy2 also appears a bit fragile to be trusted.
VagrantBox-Ubuntu Release 1.0
This is version 1.0 of the customized Vagrant base box image, known as 'precise64', for use with Vagrant-DSpace. It includes GuestAdditions 4.3.4 (to maintain compatibility with the current version of Virtualbox), and has an /etc/apt/sources.list file which is configured to use, so developers who use this base box are not forced to use the US-based apt package servers.