Welcome to my JavaScript repository! This is where I explore and implement both basic and advanced JavaScript concepts. Whether you're just starting out with JavaScript or looking to deepen your understanding, this repository covers a wide range of topics to help you on your coding journey.
- Variables and Data Types
- Functions and Scope
- Loops and Conditionals
- Arrays and Objects
- DOM Manipulation
- ES6+ Features (Arrow Functions, Destructuring, Spread Operator)
- Asynchronous JavaScript (Promises, Async/Await, Callbacks)
- Event Handling
- Closures and Higher-Order Functions
- Modules and Bundling
- Error Handling and Debugging
- Functional Programming
- Prototypes and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- JavaScript Design Patterns
To run the examples:
- Clone the repository:
[ [git clone https://github.com/DSALAUDDIN/JavaScript-Essentials.git]]