Component to interface with Redis cache
Written in C#, this package provides an interface to redis cache from dotnetcore applications
Available on at:
The following parameters are picked up from the calling application
"Enabled": false,
"KeyPrefix": "",
"DefaultExpiryInMinutes": 60,
"ConnectionString": "",
Enabled: Enabled or disables the retrieval & storage of cached inforation. If no cache is currently available tbis can be set to false to prevent errors beinf thrown.
KeyPrefix: All storage keys are prefixed with this value.
DefaultExpiryInMinutes: If no expiry value is set on the individual call, this value is used.
ConnectionString: The redis connection string.
Code required in the Program.cs file before the builder.Build()
// Set up caching.
var keyPrefix = builder.Configuration.GetValue<string>("DRJCache:KeyPrefix");
builder.Services.AddDistributedCache(opt =>
opt.Enabled = builder.Configuration.GetValue<bool>("DRJCache:Enabled");
opt.ConnectionString = builder.Configuration.GetValue<string>("DRJCache:ConnectionString") ?? string.Empty;
opt.KeyPrefix = $"{keyPrefix}_WebUI_";
opt.DefaultExpiryInMinutes = builder.Configuration.GetValue<int>("DRJCache:DefaultExpiryInMinutes");
var app = builder.Build();
Calles to add/retrieve values from cache.
ICacheService cacheService
var key = "ExampleKey";
var cacheObj = new ExampleObject { Id = 99, Name="Mr X", AnotherProperty = "Some value." };
// Set value in cache using the default cache expiry time
await cacheService.SetAsync(key, cacheObj);
// Try Get value from cache by key
var (success, returnedCacheObj) = cacheService.TryGetAsync<ExampleObject>(key).Result;
if (success) ....
// Get value from cache by key
var fromCacheObj1 = cacheService.GetAsync<ExampleObject>(key).Result;
// Set value in cache expiry time of 45 mins
await cacheService.SetAsync(key, cacheObj, 45);
// Set value in cache with expiry time of 15 mins as sliding expiration
await cacheService.SetAsync(key, cacheObj, 15, true);
// Remove value from cache by key
await cacheService.RemoveAsync(key);
// Get or create value in from/in cache if it doesn't exists
await cacheService.GetOrCreateAsync(key, () => cacheObj);