“Let’s face it, space is a risky business. I always considered every launch a barely controlled explosion.” --Aaron Cohen
D.O.P.E.'s Infallible Systems for Consistent Operations is the main firmware for our Rockets. It works in a modular way: using a config file sensors and parts can be activated and deactivated, in this way the D.I.S.C.O. can be used with all our Rockets simply by editing config.h.
- Logging on SD card (works on MKR Zero).
- Realtime acceleration and orientation.
- SD Card Error -> Two rapid blinks and three seconds idle...
- File Error -> Three rapid blinks and three seconds idle...
- IMU Error -> Four rapid blinks and three seconds idle...
- Wireless Communication
- Simple Servo Integration
- Pietro Zignaigo
- Zahi Abou Chacra
- David Hermes