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Tokens to be used in Templates

femkevanderzalm edited this page Sep 8, 2016 · 15 revisions
Tokenname Description
[event:title] Event title and the sub calendar modulename when defined in settings
[event:subcalendarname] The sub calendar modulename when defined in settings
[event:subcalendarnameclean] The sub calendar modulename when defined in settings without brackets
[event:eventimage]§ Image when one is associated with the event
[event:eventthumb]§ Image thumbnail when an image is associated with the event
[event:imageurl]§ URL of the event image when one is associated with the event
[event:startdatelabel] Label defined for start date in the resource file
[event:startdateformat] Start date formatted (optional) by the format string *
[event:enddatelabel] Label defined for end date in the resource file
[event:enddateformat] End date formatted (optional) by the format string *
[event:durationdayslabel] Label defined for duration days in the resource file
[event:durationdays] Duration of the event in whole integer days
[event:timezone] Timezone description
[event:importancelabel]§ Label defined for importance in the resource file
[event:importance]§ Importance with icon (for low and high importance)
[event:importanceicon]§ Importance Icon
[event:descriptionlabel] Label defined for description in the resource file
[event:descriptionlength] Description defined in the event, optionally shortened to specified length
[event:summarylabel] Label defined for summary in the resource file
[event:summarylength] Summary defined in the event, optionally shortened to specified length
[event:categorylabel] Label defined for category in the resource file
[event:category] Category associated with the event
[event:categoryname] Name of the Category associated with the event with no colors applied
[event:categoryfontcolor] Font color for the event category
[event:categorybackcolor] Background color for the event category
[event:locationlabel] Label defined for location in the resource file
[event:location] Location associated with the event
[event:locationname] Name of location associated with the event
[event:locationurl] URL of location associated with the event
[event:locationaddresslabel] Label defined for address of location in the resource file
[event:locationstreet] Street and housenumber of location associated with the event
[event:locationpostalcode] Postal code of location associated with the event
[event:locationcity] City of location associated with the event
[event:locationregion] Region of location associated with the event
[event:locationcountry] Country of location associated with the event
[event:recurringlabel]§ Label defined for recurrence in the resource file
[event:recurring]§ Recurrence defined in the event
[event:recurringicon]§ Recurrence Icon
[event:customfield1label] Label defined for custom field 1 in the resource file
[event:customfield1] Custom field 1 defined in the event
[event:customfield2label] Label defined for custom field 2 in the resource file
[event:customfield2] Custom field 2 defined in the event
[event:titleurl]§ HREF to the event detail page including title
[event:eventurl]§ URL to the event detail page
[event:createdbylabel]§ Label defined for created by in the resource file
[event:createdby]§ Name of user the event was Created By
[event:createdbyid]§ Userid of user the event was Created By
[event:createdbyurl]§ URL of the profile of user the event was Created By
[event:createdbyprofile]§ Link to the profile of user the event was Created By
[event:createddatelabel] Label defined for created date in the resource file
[event:createddateformat] Date the event was created
[event:ownedbylabel] Label defined for owned by in the resource file
[event:ownedby]§ Name of user the event is Owned By
[event:ownedbyid]§ Userid of user the event is Owned By
[event:ownedbyurl]§ URL of the profile of user the event is Owned By
[event:ownedbyprofile]§ Link to the profile of user the event is Owned By
[event:lastupdatedbylabel]§ Label defined for last updated by in the resource file
[event:lastupdatedby]§ Name of user the event was Last Updated By
[event:lastupdatedbyid]§ Userid of user the event was Last Updated By
[event:lastupdatedbyurl]§ URL of the profile of user the event was Last Updated By
[event:lastupdatedbyprofile]§ Link to the profile of user the event was Last Updated By
[event:lastupdateddatelabel] Label defined for last updated date in the resource file
[event:lastupdateddateformat] Date the event was last updated
[event:alldayeventtext] Label used for an All Day Event - e.g. '(All Day)'
[event:maxenrollmentslabel] Label of Max Enrolments
[event:maxenrollments] Maximum number of enrolments for the event
[event:noenrollmentslabel] Label of No. Enrolments
[event:noenrollments] Number of people currently enroled for the event
[event:novacancieslabel] Label of No. Vacancies
[event:novacancies] Number of vacancies currently available for the event
[event:enrollfeelabel]§ Label of Enrolment Fee
[event:enrollfee]§ Enrolment fee including currency
[event:enrollicon]§ Enrolment Icon
[event:reminderlabel]§ Label of Notification
[event:reminder]§ Notification information
[event:remindericon]§ Notification Icon
[event:viewicon]§ Shows the View Icon for events with a custom detail page, when the user is the event editor
[event:editbutton] Adds a button using the standard edit button image that links to the event edit page. The button is only visible to event editors, and only in standard display views (Month/Week/Day/List/Repeater) and tooltips.
[event:eventid] ID of the event as recorded in the Events table
[event:eventmoduleid] ID of the module instance the event was created in
[event:enrollmentdefaulturl] Default URL of the custom/external enrollment page

Only available in enrolment emails

Tokenname Description
[event:signupuserid] Userid of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupusername] Full name of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserfirstname] First name of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserlastname] Last name of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuseremail] Email of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserstreet] Street of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserpostalcode] Postal code of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupusercity] City of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserregion] Region of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupusercountry] Country of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupusercompany] Company of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserjobtitle] Job title of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserrefnumber] Reference number of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupdatelabel] Label defined for start date in the resource file
[event:signupdateformat] Start date formatted (optional) by the format string *
[event:noenroleeslabel] Label of number of people enroled by this user
[event:moderateurl] URL of the moderation page

Only available in List View Repeater Templates

Token Description
[event:repeaterheadertext] Localizable header text (TokenListRptHeader) - Header template only
[event:repeaterzeroeventstext] Localizable text for text (TokenListRptHeaderZeroEvents) to displayed when there are no events to be listed - Header template only
[event:repeatertooltip] Event tooltip when not using table layout - advanced users only. E.g. <li [event:repeatertooltip]>[event:title]</li> Body template only.
[event:repeaterfootertext] Localizable footer text (TokenListRptFooter) - Footer template only
IFZEROEVENTS. Used in format [IFZEROEVENTS] [event:repeaterzeroeventstext[/IFZEROEVENTS] To include the text when there are no events - Header template only.

Only available in Social Groups

Token Description
[event:socialgrouprolenamelabel] Localizable token for the group name label
[event:socialgrouprolename] The name of the group
[event:socialgrouproleid] The ID of the group

Only available in User Profiles

Token Description
[event:socialuserusernamelabel] Localizable token for the user name label
[event:socialuserusername] The user's username
[event:socialuserdisplaynamelabel] Localizable token for the display name label
[event:socialuserdisplayname] The user's displayname

§ - These tokens are not available in Event Reminders when running in Medium Trust
* - See section below for date formatting advice

Other Tokens

The following tokens can be used to alter what is displayed based on options stored in the database:

Token Description Example
ALLDAYEVENT Includes the text specified within the token if the event is an All Day Event [ALLDAYEVENT][event:startdate|D][/ALLDAYEVENT]
NOTALLDAYEVENT Includes the text specified within the token if the event is not an All Day Event [NOTALLDAYEVENT][event:startdate][/NOTALLDAYEVENT]
DISPLAYENDDATE Includes the text specified within the token if Display End Date is selected [DISPLAYENDDATE][event:enddate][/DISPLAYENDDATE]
DISPLAYCUSTOMFIELD1 Includes the text specified within the token if Custom Field 1 is enabled [DISPLAYCUSTOMFIELD1][event:customfield1][/DISPLAYCUSTOMFIELD1]
DISPLAYCUSTOMFIELD2 Includes the text specified within the token if Custom Field 2 is enabled [DISPLAYCUSTOMFIELD2][event:customfield1][/DISPLAYCUSTOMFIELD2]
IFHASIMAGE Includes the text specified within the token if the event has been assigned an image [IFHASIMAGE]<a href="[event:imageurl]">[event:eventimage]</a>[/IFHASIMAGE]
IFHASCATEGORY Includes the text specified within the token if the event has been assigned to a Category [IFHASCATEGORY][event:category][/IFHASCATEGORY]
IFHASLOCATION Includes the text specified within the token if the event has been assigned to a Location [IFHASLOCATION][event:location][/IFHASLOCATION]
IFHASLOCATIONURL Includes the text specified within the token if the event has been assigned to a Location which has a url defined [IFHASLOCATIONURL][event:locationurl][/IFHASLOCATIONURL]
IFNOTHASLOCATIONURL Includes the text specified within the token if the event has been assigned to a Location which does not have a url defined [IFNOTHASLOCATIONURL]No link[/IFNOTHASLOCATIONURL]
IFALLOWSENROLLMENTS Includes the text specified within the token if the event allows enrollments [IFALLOWSENROLLMENTS][event:maxenrollments][/IFALLOWSENROLLMENTS]
ONEDAYEVENT Includes the text specified within the token if the event is a one day event (i.e. all in one day, as opposed to an All Day Event) [ONEDAYEVENT][event:startdate] - [event:enddate|hh:mm][/ONEDAYEVENT]
NOTONEDAYEVENT Includes the text specified within the token if the event spans more than one day [NOTONEDAYEVENT][event:startdate] - [event:enddate][/NOTONEDAYEVENT]
RECURRINGEVENT Includes the text specified within the token if the event is a recurring event [RECURRINGEVENT] Recurring - [event:recurring][/RECURRINGEVENT]
NOTPRIVATE Includes the text specified within the token if the event is not private (or you are the event owner or moderator). Used when a Private Message is set in the module settings. [NOTPRIVATE][event:titleurl][/NOTPRIVATE]
PRIVATE Includes the text specified within the token if the event is private and your are not the owner/moderator [PRIVATE]Private Event[/PRIVATE]
NOTRECURRINGEVENT Includes the text specified within the token if the event is a one off event [NOTRECURRINGEVENT]One day event[/NOTRECURRINGEVENT]
IFTIMEZONEDISPLAYED If the Display Timezone settings is enabled, the text specified within the token is included IFTIMEZONEDISPLAY[/IFTIMEZONEDISPLAY]
CUSTOMDETAILPAGE If the event has a custom detail page and custom detail pages are enabled, the text specified within the token is included [CUSTOMDETAILPAGE][event:titleurl][/CUSTOMDETAILPAGE]
IFMULTIDAY If the event is longer than 1440 minutes, the text specified within the token is included [IFMULTIDAY][event:durationdays] [event:durationdayslabel][/IFMULTIDAY]
IFNOTMULTIDAY If the event is not longer than 1440 minutes, the text specified within the token is included [IFNOTMULTIDAY]1 day[/IFNOTMULTIDAY]
HASROLE If the current user is in the specified role, the text specified within the token is included [HASROLE_Registered Users][event:customfield2][/HASROLE_Registered Users]
HASNOTROLE If the current user is not in the specified role, the text specified within the token is included [HASNOTROLE_Registered Users]Please login.[/HASNOTROLE_Registered Users]
IFHASSUMMARY Includes the text specified within the token if the event has a Summary [IFHASSUMMARY][event:summary|50][/IFHASSUMMARY]
IFNOTHASSUMMARY Includes the text specified within the token if the event does not have a Summary [IFNOTHASSUMMARY]No Summary[/IFNOTHASSUMMARY]
IFENROLED Includes the text specified within the token if the logged on user is enroled to the event [IFENROLED]You are enroled for this event.[/IFENROLED]
IFNOTENROLED Includes the text specified within the token if the logged on user is not enroled to the event [IFNOTENROLED]Login to Enrol[/IFNOTENROLED]
IFISSOCIALGROUP Includes the text specified within the token if event is in a Social Group IFISSOCIALGROUP[/IFISSOCIALGROUP]
IFISSOCIALUSER Includes the text specified within the token if event is in a User Profile IFISSOCIALUSER[/IFISSOCIALUSER]
IFISFULL Includes the text specified within the token if the event is fully booked (no vacancies left) [IFISFULL]You cannot enroll for this event as it is fully booked.[/IFISFULL]
IFNOTISFULL Includes the text specified within the token if the event is not fully booked (still vacancies left) [IFNOTISFULL]You can still enroll for this event as it is not yet fully booked.[/IFISFULL]

Limited Use Tokens

The following tokens have specific limited uses:

Token Description
BREAK The token [BREAK] is used within the Detail View to denote where the template should break to display the following elements which are not tokenised: Reminder controls, Enrollment controls, List of Enrollees

This token can only be used three times. Any text placed before the first [BREAK] appears above all three elements. Any text after the third appears below the list of Enrollees, and above the control buttons.

Datetime formatting

Format string that defines the text representation of a datetime.

Examples: MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss : 12/31/2008 23:59:59 dddd d MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt : Wednesday 31 December 2008 11:59:59 PM

Format specifier Description Example
d Day of the month as a number from 1 to 31 1
dd Day of the month as a number from 01 to 31 01
ddd Abbreviated name of the day Mon
dddd Full name of the day Monday
M Month as a number from 1 to 12 1
MM Month as a number from 01 to 12 01
MMM Abbreviated name of the month Jan
MMMM Full name of the month January
yy Year as a two-digit number 01
yyy Year as a four-digit number 2001
t Represents the first charactor of the AM/PM designator A
tt Represents the AM/PM designator AM
h Hour as a number from 1 to 11 1
hh Hour as a number from 01 to 11 01
H Hour as a number from 1 to 23 1
HH Hour as a number from 01 to 23 01
m Represents the minute as a number from 0 to 59 5
mm Represents the minute as a number from 00 to 59 05
s Represents the second as a number from 0 to 59 3
ss Represents the second as a number from 00 to 59 03
f Full date time pattern - Long date, short time Thursday, April 10, 2008 6:30 AM
F Full date time pattern - Long date, long time Thursday, April 10, 2008 6:30:00 AM
g General date time pattern - Short date, short time 4/10/2008 6:30 AM
G General date time pattern - Short date, long time 4/10/2008 6:30:00 AM

Reference:Date and Time Format Strings

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