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femkevanderzalm edited this page Sep 9, 2016 · 2 revisions

![List view settings](List View Settings.png)

Version Setting Description
5.2.0 Grid or Repeater Allows the list view to be configured as a Repeater rather than a traditional Table. Further settings allow the number of rows and columns to be configured. By default the repeater uses html table elements, but can be configured to purely use elements entered into the templates to allow a free form style. Repeater mode does not apply to Day View.
3.3.8 Show Table Header Shows the column headings.
3.3.8 Select Events by Days Specifies the days befre and after today for which events should be shown.
3.3.8 Select Events by Number Specifies the number of events to display over the specified number of days after today.
3.3.8 Events Fields to Display Selects the columns to be displayed in List and Day views.
5.0.1 Page Size Sets the number of events to display per page in List View.
5.0.1 Defaut sorting Sets whether to sort ascending of descending by default. User may change sort direction by clicking on header in List view.
5.1.4 Default Sort Column Sets the initial sort column for List view. User may change the sort column by clicking on the header.
5.0.1 Collapse Recurring Collapses recurring events within the list to a single row. It is the useful to include the Recurrence Pattern and End date as columns displayed in the list.
5.0.1 Show Event Icons Shows the following icons if appropriate. Priority - HighPrio LowPrio. Recurrence - Rec.. Enrollments - enroll enrollfull. Reminders - Bell
5.2.0 Repeater as Table By default the Repeater uses html table elements. Advanced users may turn off the use of the table elements, in which case the repeater will purely use the html entered into the relevant repeater temnplates.
5.2.0 Repeater Columns Specifies the number of columns in the Repeater.
5.2.0 Repeater Rows Specifies the number of rows in the Repeater.
5.2.0 Use Time in Filter For increased accuracy of filtering of the list view, the current time can be used to specify the start and end of the displayed time period. By default 00:00 is used.

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