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Tokens to be used in Templates

femkevanderzalm edited this page Sep 8, 2016 · 15 revisions
Tokenname Description
[event:title] Event title and the sub calendar modulename when defined in settings
[event:subcalendarname] The sub calendar modulename when defined in settings
[event:subcalendarnameclean] The sub calendar modulename when defined in settings without brackets
[event:eventimage]§ Image when one is associated with the event
[event:eventthumb]§ Image thumbnail when an image is associated with the event
[event:imageurl]§ URL of the event image when one is associated with the event
[event:startdatelabel] Label defined for start date in the resource file
[event:startdateformat] Start date formatted (optional) by the format string *
[event:enddatelabel] Label defined for end date in the resource file
[event:enddateformat] End date formatted (optional) by the format string *
[event:durationdayslabel] Label defined for duration days in the resource file
[event:durationdays] Duration of the event in whole integer days
[event:timezone] Timezone description
[event:importancelabel]§ Label defined for importance in the resource file
[event:importance]§ Importance with icon (for low and high importance)
[event:importanceicon]§ Importance Icon
[event:descriptionlabel] Label defined for description in the resource file
[event:descriptionlength] Description defined in the event, optionally shortened to specified length
[event:summarylabel] Label defined for summary in the resource file
[event:summarylength] Summary defined in the event, optionally shortened to specified length
[event:categorylabel] Label defined for category in the resource file
[event:category] Category associated with the event
[event:categoryname] Name of the Category associated with the event with no colors applied
[event:categoryfontcolor] Font color for the event category
[event:categorybackcolor] Background color for the event category
[event:locationlabel] Label defined for location in the resource file
[event:location] Location associated with the event
[event:locationname] Name of location associated with the event
[event:locationurl] URL of location associated with the event
[event:locationaddresslabel] Label defined for address of location in the resource file
[event:locationstreet] Street and housenumber of location associated with the event
[event:locationpostalcode] Postal code of location associated with the event
[event:locationcity] City of location associated with the event
[event:locationregion] Region of location associated with the event
[event:locationcountry] Country of location associated with the event
[event:recurringlabel]§ Label defined for recurrence in the resource file
[event:recurring]§ Recurrence defined in the event
[event:recurringicon]§ Recurrence Icon
[event:customfield1label] Label defined for custom field 1 in the resource file
[event:customfield1] Custom field 1 defined in the event
[event:customfield2label] Label defined for custom field 2 in the resource file
[event:customfield2] Custom field 2 defined in the event
[event:titleurl]§ HREF to the event detail page including title
[event:eventurl]§ URL to the event detail page
[event:createdbylabel]§ Label defined for created by in the resource file
[event:createdby]§ Name of user the event was Created By
[event:createdbyid]§ Userid of user the event was Created By
[event:createdbyurl]§ URL of the profile of user the event was Created By
[event:createdbyprofile]§ Link to the profile of user the event was Created By
[event:createddatelabel] Label defined for created date in the resource file
[event:createddateformat] Date the event was created
[event:ownedbylabel] Label defined for owned by in the resource file
[event:ownedby]§ Name of user the event is Owned By
[event:ownedbyid]§ Userid of user the event is Owned By
[event:ownedbyurl]§ URL of the profile of user the event is Owned By
[event:ownedbyprofile]§ Link to the profile of user the event is Owned By
[event:lastupdatedbylabel]§ Label defined for last updated by in the resource file
[event:lastupdatedby]§ Name of user the event was Last Updated By
[event:lastupdatedbyid]§ Userid of user the event was Last Updated By
[event:lastupdatedbyurl]§ URL of the profile of user the event was Last Updated By
[event:lastupdatedbyprofile]§ Link to the profile of user the event was Last Updated By
[event:lastupdateddatelabel] Label defined for last updated date in the resource file
[event:lastupdateddateformat] Date the event was last updated
[event:alldayeventtext] Label used for an All Day Event - e.g. '(All Day)'
[event:maxenrollmentslabel] Label of Max Enrolments
[event:maxenrollments] Maximum number of enrolments for the event
[event:noenrollmentslabel] Label of No. Enrolments
[event:noenrollments] Number of people currently enroled for the event
[event:novacancieslabel] Label of No. Vacancies
[event:novacancies] Number of vacancies currently available for the event
[event:enrollfeelabel]§ Label of Enrolment Fee
[event:enrollfee]§ Enrolment fee including currency
[event:enrollicon]§ Enrolment Icon
[event:reminderlabel]§ Label of Notification
[event:reminder]§ Notification information
[event:remindericon]§ Notification Icon
[event:viewicon]§ Shows the View Icon for events with a custom detail page, when the user is the event editor
[event:editbutton] Adds a button using the standard edit button image that links to the event edit page. The button is only visible to event editors, and only in standard display views (Month/Week/Day/List/Repeater) and tooltips.
[event:eventid] ID of the event as recorded in the Events table
[event:eventmoduleid] ID of the module instance the event was created in
[event:enrollmentdefaulturl] Default URL of the custom/external enrollment page

Only available in enrolment emails

Tokenname Description
[event:signupuserid] Userid of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupusername] Full name of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserfirstname] First name of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserlastname] Last name of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuseremail] Email of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserstreet] Street of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserpostalcode] Postal code of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupusercity] City of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserregion] Region of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupusercountry] Country of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupusercompany] Company of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserjobtitle] Job title of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupuserrefnumber] Reference number of user enrolled to an event
[event:signupdatelabel] Label defined for start date in the resource file
[event:signupdateformat] Start date formatted (optional) by the format string *
[event:noenroleeslabel] Label of number of people enroled by this user
[event:moderateurl] URL of the moderation page

Only available in List View Repeater Templates

Token Description
[event:repeaterheadertext] Localizable header text (TokenListRptHeader) - Header template only
[event:repeaterzeroeventstext] Localizable text for text (TokenListRptHeaderZeroEvents) to displayed when there are no events to be listed - Header template only
[event:repeatertooltip] Event tooltip when not using table layout - advanced users only. E.g. <li [event:repeatertooltip]>[event:title]</li> Body template only.
[event:repeaterfootertext] Localizable footer text (TokenListRptFooter) - Footer template only
IFZEROEVENTS. Used in format [IFZEROEVENTS] [event:repeaterzeroeventstext[/IFZEROEVENTS] To include the text when there are no events - Header template only.

Only available in Social Groups

Token Description
[event:socialgrouprolenamelabel] Localizable token for the group name label
[event:socialgrouprolename] The name of the group
[event:socialgrouproleid] The ID of the group

Only available in User Profiles

Token Description
[event:socialuserusernamelabel] Localizable token for the user name label
[event:socialuserusername] The user's username
[event:socialuserdisplaynamelabel] Localizable token for the display name label
[event:socialuserdisplayname] The user's displayname

§ - These tokens are not available in Event Reminders when running in Medium Trust
* - See section below for date formatting advice

Other Tokens

The following tokens can be used to alter what is displayed based on options stored in the database:

Token Description Example
ALLDAYEVENT Includes the text specified within the token if the event is an All Day Event [ALLDAYEVENT][event:startdate|D][/ALLDAYEVENT]
NOTALLDAYEVENT Includes the text specified within the token if the event is not an All Day Event [NOTALLDAYEVENT][event:startdate][/NOTALLDAYEVENT]
DISPLAYENDDATE Includes the text specified within the token if Display End Date is selected [DISPLAYENDDATE][event:enddate][/DISPLAYENDDATE]
DISPLAYCUSTOMFIELD1 Includes the text specified within the token if Custom Field 1 is enabled [DISPLAYCUSTOMFIELD1][event:customfield1][/DISPLAYCUSTOMFIELD1]
DISPLAYCUSTOMFIELD2 Includes the text specified within the token if Custom Field 2 is enabled [DISPLAYCUSTOMFIELD2][event:customfield1][/DISPLAYCUSTOMFIELD2]
IFHASIMAGE Includes the text specified within the token if the event has been assigned an image [IFHASIMAGE]<a href="[event:imageurl]">[event:eventimage]</a>[/IFHASIMAGE]
IFHASCATEGORY Includes the text specified within the token if the event has been assigned to a Category [IFHASCATEGORY][event:category][/IFHASCATEGORY]
IFHASLOCATION Includes the text specified within the token if the event has been assigned to a Location [IFHASLOCATION][event:location][/IFHASLOCATION]
IFHASLOCATIONURL Includes the text specified within the token if the event has been assigned to a Location which has a url defined [IFHASLOCATIONURL][event:locationurl][/IFHASLOCATIONURL]
IFNOTHASLOCATIONURL Includes the text specified within the token if the event has been assigned to a Location which does not have a url defined [IFNOTHASLOCATIONURL]No link[/IFNOTHASLOCATIONURL]
IFALLOWSENROLLMENTS Includes the text specified within the token if the event allows enrollments [IFALLOWSENROLLMENTS][event:maxenrollments][/IFALLOWSENROLLMENTS]
ONEDAYEVENT Includes the text specified within the token if the event is a one day event (i.e. all in one day, as opposed to an All Day Event) [ONEDAYEVENT][event:startdate] - [event:enddate|hh:mm][/ONEDAYEVENT]
NOTONEDAYEVENT Includes the text specified within the token if the event spans more than one day [NOTONEDAYEVENT][event:startdate] - [event:enddate][/NOTONEDAYEVENT]
RECURRINGEVENT Includes the text specified within the token if the event is a recurring event [RECURRINGEVENT] Recurring - [event:recurring][/RECURRINGEVENT]
NOTPRIVATE Includes the text specified within the token if the event is not private (or you are the event owner or moderator). Used when a Private Message is set in the module settings. [NOTPRIVATE][event:titleurl][/NOTPRIVATE]
PRIVATE Includes the text specified within the token if the event is private and your are not the owner/moderator [PRIVATE]Private Event[/PRIVATE]
NOTRECURRINGEVENT Includes the text specified within the token if the event is a one off event [NOTRECURRINGEVENT]One day event[/NOTRECURRINGEVENT]
IFTIMEZONEDISPLAYED If the Display Timezone settings is enabled, the text specified within the token is included IFTIMEZONEDISPLAY[/IFTIMEZONEDISPLAY]
CUSTOMDETAILPAGE If the event has a custom detail page and custom detail pages are enabled, the text specified within the token is included [CUSTOMDETAILPAGE][event:titleurl][/CUSTOMDETAILPAGE]
IFMULTIDAY If the event is longer than 1440 minutes, the text specified within the token is included [IFMULTIDAY][event:durationdays] [event:durationdayslabel][/IFMULTIDAY]
IFNOTMULTIDAY If the event is not longer than 1440 minutes, the text specified within the token is included [IFNOTMULTIDAY]1 day[/IFNOTMULTIDAY]
HASROLE If the current user is in the specified role, the text specified within the token is included [HASROLE_Registered Users][event:customfield2][/HASROLE_Registered Users]
HASNOTROLE If the current user is not in the specified role, the text specified within the token is included [HASNOTROLE_Registered Users]Please login.[/HASNOTROLE_Registered Users]
IFHASSUMMARY Includes the text specified within the token if the event has a Summary [IFHASSUMMARY][event:summary|50][/IFHASSUMMARY]
IFNOTHASSUMMARY Includes the text specified within the token if the event does not have a Summary [IFNOTHASSUMMARY]No Summary[/IFNOTHASSUMMARY]
IFENROLED Includes the text specified within the token if the logged on user is enroled to the event [IFENROLED]You are enroled for this event.[/IFENROLED]
IFNOTENROLED Includes the text specified within the token if the logged on user is not enroled to the event [IFNOTENROLED]Login to Enrol[/IFNOTENROLED]
IFISSOCIALGROUP Includes the text specified within the token if event is in a Social Group IFISSOCIALGROUP[/IFISSOCIALGROUP]
IFISSOCIALUSER Includes the text specified within the token if event is in a User Profile IFISSOCIALUSER[/IFISSOCIALUSER]
IFISFULL Includes the text specified within the token if the event is fully booked (no vacancies left) [IFISFULL]You cannot enroll for this event as it is fully booked.[/IFISFULL]
IFNOTISFULL Includes the text specified within the token if the event is not fully booked (still vacancies left) [IFNOTISFULL]You can still enroll for this event as it is not yet fully booked.[/IFISFULL]
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