Releases: DMBlakeley/homebridge-awair2
Releases · DMBlakeley/homebridge-awair2
Correct operation with node 20.x
Correct operation with node 20.x
Add node-version 22.x
- Update node revisions to: [18.x, 20.x, 22.x]
- Housekeeping
Update for eslint v9.15.0
Update eslint rules to include '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions': 'off' for compatibility with eslint v9.15.0.
Updates for compatibility with Homebridge v1.8.5.
- Updates for compatibility with Homebridge v1.8.5.
Support for updated Developer Token
- Add support for updated Developer Token preamble text.
Update typescript-eslint and eslint
- Update @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin to "^8.0.0", and @typescript-eslint/parser: "^8.0.1".
- Update eslint to "^9.0.0".
Axios security update and housekeeping
- Housekeeping of error warning levels for consistency.
- Address Server-Side Request Forgery in axios by making minimum axios revision level 1.7.3 - GHSA-8hc4-vh64-cxmj
Confirm homebridge v2.0.0 compatibility
- Confirm plug-in operation with Homebridge 2.0.0. Updated package.json per homebridge instructions.
Updated Awair Score methodology
- Incorporates updated Awair Score methodology for Awair Element (Firmware v1.4.0) and Awair Omni (Firmware v1.8.0) introduced by Awair in Dec 2023. NOTE that updated methology does not apply to Awair R2. See Awair Reference and plugin README for additional details.
- Change default IAQ method to
Add Display Mode settings
- Add plug-in Setting option to select temperature units (C or F) and time format (12hr or 24hr) when Display Modes are enabled.