Zabbix Storage Monitoring through CIM/WBEM
Tested with IBM Storwize
python >= 3.4
python module py-zabbix - for sending traps to zabbix
python module pywbem (tested with version 0.12.0) - for connect and get information from storage through CIM/WBEM
zabbix-server (tested with version 3.4)
- Give access to storage statistic and parameters for monitoring user. For collect statistic under user zabbix from IBM Storwize:
chuser -usergrp RestrictedAdmin zabbix
- Tune statistic collection interval. For collect statistic every minute from IBM Storwize:
startstats -interval 1
Clone pystormon repo to directory /etc/zabbix/externalscripts of server with access to storage management network;
Import Template Storage Pystormon.xml to Zabbix and link template with storage objects in Zabbix;
Change example configuration files: login, password, address of zabbix_server, IP and name of storage, etc.
Install Python 3 and pip3 if it is not installed;
Install required python modules:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Create cron jobs for zabbix trappers:
echo "00 */1 * * * /etc/zabbix/externalscripts/pystormon/" > /tmp/crontab && \
echo "*/1 * * * * /etc/zabbix/externalscripts/pystormon/" >> /tmp/crontab && \
echo "*/5 * * * * /etc/zabbix/externalscripts/pystormon/" >> /tmp/crontab && \
crontab /tmp/crontab && rm /tmp/crontab