Public 9.2.0
- New function. Title Menu Command Window - Allows you to adjust the position and width of the command window on the title screen.
- New function. Title Menu Exit Command - Allows you to add an exit command to the command window on the title screen.
- New function . Max Savefiles - Allows you to change the maximum number of save slots.
- ParameterManager.prototype.change
- Base.prototype._clearOptions
- Base.prototype.enableMouse
- Sprite.Selectable.prototype.enableMouseHover
- Sprite.Selectable.prototype.enableWheelScroll
- Function "Grid/Ruler" inproved. You can now customize the order of the grid size.
- Base.prototype._clearAll
- ParameterManager.prototype.pluginName property
- ParameterManager.prototype.isRequired
- ParameterManager.prototype.registerPlugins
- Base.prototype.clearOptions
- Base.prototype.disableOption
- Base.prototype.enableOptions
- Base.prototype.findAnimation
- Base.prototype.finishEvents
- class Sprite.ProgressBar.Circle
- class Sprite.ProgressBar.SemiCircle
- class Sprite.CheckBox
- Scene.prototype.start
Updated documentation
Updated Help