Simple Contact form created using the Symfony PHP framework
First lets install all dependencies: Run the following commands in the project root directory:
composer install
npm install
Then lets build our resources
npm run dev
A docker-compose
file is used to create a PostgreSQL
database container and a sj26/mailcatcher container.
So while in the project root directory, run:
docker-compose up -d
to create and start the containers in daemon mode.
Let us now run our serve our project
symfony server:start
and navigate to http://localhost:8000/
in your web browser.
You can immediately start creating messages on the contact form.
When you need to login, register a user first. The user won't have the needed role
to access all the posts. So run the following command to update the user's role
php bin/console doctrine:query:sql "update "user" set roles = '["ROLE_ADMIN"]' where email = '<YOUR EMAIL HERE>'"
To see the email that was sent after a post was made, navigate to
. The mail catcher should have caught the mail and you can now view it.
- Symfony 6 PHP Framework
- Vue 2.6 JS Framework
- Axios HTTP Client
- Bulma CSS Framework
- Fontawesome images
- Docker Compose
- PostgreSQL