A Power Consumption board using the TCRT5000 to count pulses. The board is intended as a shield for DigiStump's Oak board. Check it out here!
##How does it look? Great question, I've made screenshots of the board I sent to OSH-Park:
##Is the code finished? I've made some progress on the code, but unfortunately to test the real sensor I'll have to wait until the board from oshpark arrive. For now, I'm simulating the pulse meter with a button. Below you can find a list of features that are already implemented as well as features that will be implemented in the near future.
- Show (& calc) total consumption
- Use interrupts to get button input + pulses
- Use button input to switch between frames
- Persistent storage of KWh counter
Future wishes:
- Add NTP time to sketch
- Implement timezone offset, apply to current time
- Keep track of total consumption for the day (and display this)
- Create some kind of menu for settings
- Set counter starting position
- Send consumption to some kind of server?
- Calibration of pulse detection?
- Multi-SSID
- Store measurements while there is no Wi-Fi connection
- Work stand-alone (without Wi-Fi connection) without switching to Config mode
- Reduce Flash memory wear by writing periodically instead of on every KWh increment
##Resources used