Super simple OAuth like authentication for any web app that needs to recognize a player.
- Plot access endpoints
- Plot adding users
- Get user by key
- Delete user
- Plot delete user (this needs to be done on the plot)
- Re-gen key (this needs to be done on the plot)
- Page to fill cookie or storage
- Page to redirect with verify key
- Verify key check endpoint.
Since this uses bun, it must run on linux, macos or wsl.
To run, just install bun, install packages with bun i
and run bun run index.ts
You can use .env
- DB_PATH: sqlite path
- PLOT_ID: The plot on diamondfire to show on the main page, also used for authentication.
- PLOT_OWNER: The owner's username, used for authentication
- AUTH_KEY: A secret shared with the plot, used for authentication
- TODO: Dump some templates here, probably dfonline and a
zip folder.
- TODO: Check this is accuurate.
Send a user to<url>
If the user verifies, you should get a search paramauthkey
Send a request to<authkey>
This will send you the user info. It's up to you to store things like your own account key.
This will get a players info once. Longer authentication is planned.