Repository of scripts to assist in the deployment of DFIR-ORC for Windows
This script installs a IIS website and sets it up with suitable configuration to be used as an upload website by DFIR-ORC with the http://
URI scheme. It enables BITS upload with anonymous logon and prints out the XML configuration to use in the local configuration file for DFIR-ORC.
- Windows Server 2008R2+
- Powershell 2.0+
- Local admin privileges
New-BitsHttpServer.ps1 [-Path] <String> [[-Site] <String>] [[-AppPool] <String>] [[-Port] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
-Path <String>
Path of the virtual directory where files will be uploaded. Required.
-Site <String>
Name of the website to create or reuse (if it already exists). Defaults to "Default Web Site".
-AppPool <String>
Application Pool to use when creating a new website. Defaults to "DefaultAppPool".
-Port <Int32>
TCP Port to bind to when creating a new website. You cannot use an already bound port. Defaults to 80.
Configure a virtual directory inside the default web site provided by IIS.
New-BitsHttpServer.ps1 -Path C:\website\upload
This script creates a directory and shares it through SMB with suitable permissions (ie. write-only) for it to be used as an upload directory by DFIR-ORC with the file://
URI scheme.
- Windows Server 2008R2+
- Powershell 2.0+
- Local admin privileges
New-BitsSmbServer.ps1 [-Path] <String> [[-Mode] <String>] [[-AccountName] <String[]>] [[-ShareName] <String>] [[-ShareDescription] <String>] [-Audit] [<CommonParameters>]
-Path <String>
Path of the local directory that will be shared through SMB. Required.
-Mode <String>
Mode of operation:
- DomainJoined (default): the server is domain-joined and this script will configure the share's ACL to allow "Domain Computers" well-known SID
- StandaloneGuest (strongly discouraged): will setup the SMB share to allow guest access. Warning: this will prevent Windows 10/2016/2019 clients from accessing the share ! See
- StandaloneAuthenticated will setup the SMB share to allow an explicit local SID to access the share.
-AccountName <String[]>
Explicit users or groups to allow write access to. This parameter is passed as is to Set-SmbShareAccess so it must include the domain name if a domain account/group is desired (eg: EXAMPLE\Administrator). Required when $Mode = StandaloneAuthenticated. Defaults to "EXAMPLE\Domain Computers" when $Mode = DomainJoined and defaults to "Guest" when $Mode = StandaloneGuest. Note that even if it is possible to provide more than one user and/or group with this option, it is only possible to use one user in DFIR-ORC local configuration file.
-ShareName <String>
Name of the share
-ShareDescription <String>
Description of the share
-Audit [<SwitchParameter>]
Add Audit rules on the shared directory. Do not use in production ! Use it only for debugging purposes !
You will still need to activate manually the "Object Access/File System" audit policy:
auditpol.exe /set /subcategory:"File System" /success:enable /failure:enable
Create the directory D:\orc_smb_share and share it via SMB with an ACL to allow write access to "Domain Computers"
New-BitsSmbServer.ps1 -Path D:\orc_smb_share
Create the directory D:\orc_smb_share and share it via SMB with an ACL to allow write access to the local Administrator account
New-BitsSmbServer.ps1 -Path D:\orc_smb_share -Mode StandaloneAuthenticated -AccountName Administrator
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Le nom DFIR ORC et le logo associé appartiennent à l'ANSSI, aucun usage n'est permis sans autorisation expresse.
The contents of this repository is available under LGPL2.1+.
The name DFIR ORC and the associate logo belongs to ANSSI, no use is permitted without its express approval.