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Smart Incident Reporting Project

js-standard-style Quality Gate Status Lines of Code Coverage Bugs


NodeJS v18 needs to be installed locally along with npm.

Getting started

Install dependencies and build the application via

$ npm i

Run tests

$ npm test

Build backend and start services

$ npm run start-backend

Start application

$ npm run dev
$ npm run start

Testing Docker build of the image

To create docker image of service:

$ docker build -t smart-incident-reporting:latest .

Starting application in docker

$ docker-compose -f docker/service.yml up -d

Project structure

Here's the default structure for your project files.

  • bin (build tasks)
  • client (client js/sass code)
  • server
    • plugins
    • public (This folder is publicly served)
      • static (Put all static assets in here)
      • build (This contains the build output files (js/css etc.) and is not checked-in)
    • routes
    • services
    • views
    • config.js
    • index.js (Exports a function that creates a server)
  • tests
  • index.js (startup server)


The configuration file for the server is found at server/config.js. This is where to put any config and all config should be read from the environment. The final config object should be validated using joi and the application should not start otherwise.

A table of environment variables should be maintained in this README.


hapi has a powerful plugin system and all server code should be loaded in a plugin.

Plugins live in the server/plugins directory.


Logging is carried out using hapi-pino and Application Insights.


The vison plugin is used for template rendering support.

The template engine used in nunjucks inline with the GDS Design System with support for view caching, layouts, partials and helpers.

Static files

The Inert plugin is used for static file and directory handling in hapi.js. Put all static assets in server/public/static.

Any build output should write to server/public/build. This path is in the .gitignore and is therefore not checked into source control.


Incoming requests are handled by the server via routes. Each route describes an HTTP endpoint with a path, method, and other properties.

Routes are found in the server/routes directory and loaded using the server/plugins/router.js plugin.

Hapi supports registering routes individually or in a batch. Each route file can therefore export a single route object or an array of route objects.

A single route looks like this:

  method: 'GET',
  path: '/hello-world',
  options: {
    handler: (request, h) => {
      return 'hello world'

There are lots of route options, here's the documentation on hapi routes


Build tasks are created using simple shell scripts or node.js programs. The default ones are found in the bin directory.

The task runner is simply npm using npm-scripts.

The predefined tasks are:

  • npm start (Runs the application)
  • npm run build (Runs all build sub-tasks)
  • npm run build:css (Builds the client-side sass)
  • npm run lint (Runs the lint task using standard.js)
  • npm run unit-test (Runs the lab tests in the /tests folder)
  • npm test (Runs the lint task then the unit-tests)


Jest is used for unit testing.

See the /tests folder for more information.


standard.js is used to lint both the server-side and client-side javascript code.

It's defined as a build task and can be run using npm run lint.

Environment variables

Environment variables for the webapp and their default values if not set can be found in the file server/utils/config.js

The build of the webapp requires an environment variable GA_ID if google analytics is required

Private beta authentication

There is basic authentication in place for private beta, the accounts and passwords will be provided to the web app via the environment variable AUTH_ACCOUNTS

AUTH_ACCOUNTS should be set as an array of objects as a JSON string in the following format: [{"id":1,"password":"PASSWORD_HASH"}]

Service availability

The service in production for private beta is only to be available in working hours, set this cron with the environment variable SERVICE_AVAILABLE_CRON with the value '* * 9-16 * * 1-5' this will disable the home login page outside of working hours and for bank holidays. If this env var is not set or if it is set to '* * * * * *' then the service will be available at all times and dates.