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EPR Regulator Service


The Regulator Service contains the front end for the regulator portal. This is the main regulator service for EPR with functionality to be added here pertaining to any regulatory activities.

Getting Started


Required software

  • Dotnet SDK 8.0
$ dotnet --version


In order to restore and build the source code for this project, access to the epr-packaging-common package store will need to have been setup.

  • Login to Azure DevOps
  • Navigate to Personal Access Tokens
  • Create a new token
    • Enable the Packaging (Read) scope

Add the following to your src/Nuget.Config

    <add key="Username" value="<email address>" />
    <add key="ClearTextPassword" value="<personal access token>" />


The regulator service requires Redis, the recommended way of runnig Redis is to run it via Docker.

$ docker run -d --name epr-producers- -p 6379:6379 -p 8001:8001 redis/redis-stack:latest

Additional information about running services locally is available on confluence

When using the regulator facade and backend microservice, Redis will already be running, and a PAT will already have been issued for the epr-packaging-common package store so some steps can be skipped.

Recommended software

It is recommended that the following repositories have been setup and are running

It is possible to run this project with a mocked facade, so the backend and facade project may not be required.


In order to run the Epr Regulator Service, some configuration will need to be set in src/EPR.RegulatorService.Frontend.Web/appsettings.development.json. Configuration properties will be separated by . in this documentation.

B2C Client

AzureAdB2C.ClientSecret will need to be set for the ClientId being used.

Facade APIs

If the epr_regulator_service_facade has had its port changed, FacadeApi.BaseUrl and EprAuthorizationConfig.FacadeBaseUrl will need to be updated to reflect this.

Landing page urls

If the frontend-accountmanagement-microservice is also running locally, LandingPageUrls.ManageAccountUrl will need updated to point to whichever port the account management frontend is listening on.

Installation process

Jetbrains Rider

  • Open src/Epr.RegulatorService.sln in Rider
  • Configure epr-packaging-common nuget source in Rider
  • Build the solution Build -> Build Solution
  • Run/Debug the EPR.RegulatorService.Frontend.Web project Run -> Run 'EPR.RegulatorService.Frontend.Web: '


  • Open the src directory cd src/
  • Ensure src/NuGet.config has been setup correctly for epr-packaging-common
  • Restore dependencies with dotnet restore
  • Build the project with dotnet build
  • Run the Regulator frontend with dotnet run

Running unit tests

Jetbrains Rider

Either open the Unit Tests tab and run all unit tests with the Run All Tests button, or navigate to Tests -> Run All Tests For Solution


  • From src/ run dotnet test
$ dotnet test
Test run for epr_regulator_service\src\EPR.RegulatorService.Frontend.UnitTests\bin\Debug\net6.0\EPR.RegulatorService.Frontend.UnitTests.dll (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0)
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 17.3.3 (x64)
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Starting test execution, please wait...
A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.

Passed!  - Failed:     0, Passed:    51, Skipped:     0, Total:    51, Duration: 800 ms - EPR.RegulatorService.Frontend.UnitTests.dll (net6.0)


TODO: Guide users through getting your code up and running on their own system. In this section you can talk about:

  1. Latest releases
  2. API references

Contributing to this project

Please read the contribution guidelines before submitting a pull request.


Licence information.