A universal JS application that produces user water consumption reports for DAIAD with the ability to render to PDF files on the backend with the help of phantomJS. The application uses Express, React, Redux, Webpack
For faster development, Webpack's Hot Module Replacement feature has been enabled (compatibility with React+Redux with React-hot-loader). For easier debugging, the HTTP method accepted by the backend is GET. Also, logging is enabled on the client.
npm install
npm run dev
Note: The host and the port for the Node server, as well as the host and port for the hotload server can be changed in the config section of package.json
In production mode, deployment has been optimized for speed. The HTTP method accepted by the backend is POST.
npm install
npm run prod
Note: The host and the port for the Node server can be changed in the config section of package.json
phantomjs saveToPDF.js URL API locale username password userKey from to output
Parameter | Description |
URL | The NODE server url |
API | The API endpoint |
locale | The locale for page rendering (one of en, el, es) |
username | Username for api authentication |
password | User password for api authentication |
userKey | The user UUID key for which to create report |
from | The beginning of the period date in ISO-8061 form (YYYYMMDD) |
to | The end of the period date in ISO-8061 form (YYYYMMDD) |
output | The output filename (the extension can be one of pdf, png) |
phantomjs saveToPdf.js http://localhost:3000/ http://localhost:8888/api en [email protected] 12345678 XXX-XX 20160101 20161231 out.pdf
- For correct phantomjs PDF font rendering, required fonts should be copied or symlinked to ~/.fonts for the src:local CSS rule to work. Otherwise font will not be embeded and will be rendered as image instead. See: rposborne/wkhtmltopdf-heroku#20 (comment)