API checks | |
Container builder | |
Bandit Workflow | |
Prospector Workflow |
Admin web | |
Package builder |
Community web | |
Package builder |
Licence | |
Social networks | |
It required to have docker installed: Get Docker
This is compatible with Windows and Unix distributions (including MacOS). The web apps and the API containers handle the hot reloading for a better development expetience.
- Clone the project
- Change Dir to the freshly cloned project
- Run these commands:
$ docker compose up
This process might require several minutes at first idue to the Docker images setup.
To set up the dev environment, please see those sub-project README files:
If you want to set up a local instance to test the project, please follow these instructions:
$ docker network create openxeco
$ docker run -d \
--network openxeco \
--network-alias mariadb \
-p 3306:3306 \
$ docker run -d \
--network openxeco \
--network-alias smtp \
-p 1025:1025 \
-p 1080:1080 \
$ docker build \
-f openxeco-core-oxe-web-admin/Dockerfile \
-t oxe-web-admin \
--build-arg TARGET_DIR=openxeco-core-oxe-web-admin \
$ docker run -d -p 3000:80 oxe-web-admin
$ docker build \
-f openxeco-core-oxe-web-community/Dockerfile \
-t oxe-web-community \
--build-arg TARGET_DIR=openxeco-core-oxe-web-community \
$ docker run -d -p 3001:80 oxe-web-community
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 \
--network openxeco \
-e JWT_SECRET_KEY=my_secret_developer_key \
-e DB_HOSTNAME=mariadb \
-e DB_PORT=3306 \
-e DB_USERNAME=root \
-e DB_PASSWORD=E4syPass \
-e MAIL_SERVER=smtp \
-e MAIL_PORT=1025 \
-e MAIL_USE_TLS=True \
-e MAIL_USE_SSL=False \
-e [email protected] \
-e IMAGE_FOLDER=/image_folder \
-e DOCUMENT_FOLDER=/document_folder \
-e [email protected] \
Access the administrator interface:
Access the community interface:
Access the API documentation:
Access the emails sent on the SMTP mock:
An initial account is created with the following email: "[email protected]" And a default password: "Passw0rd!"
To set up the production instance, please see this file: