Generating lots of useful SMTP metadata from pcaps containing SMTP (tcp.port == 25 or decrypted tcp.port == 587) sessions.
- MySQL or MariaDB (supports both)
- Python 2.6 / 2.7
- MySQL-python (yum install MySQL-python || pip install mysql-python)
- dpkt 1.8 (easy_install dpkt)
- libmagic (yum install libmagic)
- python-magic (yum install python-magic || pip install python-magic)
- GeoIP, GeoIP-devel, GeoIP-update (yum install)
- Python GeoIP (pip install GeoIP)
- MySQL config change
- max_allowed_packet = 25M (database config default = 1M, set the max to your organization's)
- Command line and database functionality
- Addresses TCP sessions (reordering, tracking, layer2-4 metadata)
- Uses, iterates through the PCAP file and extracts and parses all SMTP traffic into pretty things like email.sender, email.recipient,, attachment.payload
- schema.sql
- To prepare a MySQL (or Maria) DB for use with email metadata
Usage: [options] parses individual PCAP files and outputs SMTP metadata to
multiple formats. You can enhance the way you interact with this data by using
the database and the web page.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PCAPFILE Filename of the of the pcap to process
-d DIRECTORY Directory containing pcap files
Output Options:
Choose how you would like the data output to you.
-o OUTPUT db, csv, cef [default: cef]
Database Options:
The following options are to be used in conjunction with the SQL
database you have configured.
-s SQLSTATEMENT SQL SELECT query to pass to the database
-m MD5SUM md5sum of file to retrieve from database (forensics challenge #2)
other stuff added later