Source code for the cyber discovery app. You should be able to build it from source on Android, and we have a prebuilt apk or ipa for android and iOS respectively.
- The app has countdowns to all forthcoming events in the Cyber Discovery calendar.
- The app has a schedule for certain activities during events showing when they start, finish and how much of the activity has happened.
- The app has a soundboard with some of our favorite clips from VC and Agent J.
- The app has the latest articles from the Cyber Discovery Medium embedded for easy access.
- Ensure that flutter is installed and that running
flutter doctor
produces no errors. - Download the source from the releases page.
- Navigate to the root of the downloaded folder.
- Run
flutter build apk
. - If you navigate to the build directory then app then apk then release you should find your apk file if everything went to plan.
- Buliding iOS from source isn't possible due to a signing limitation by Apple. Please use the compiled ipa and sideload it using Cydia Impactor.