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This is a QML client library for the Pusher service. Internally it uses QML's WebSocket element, but should have no other dependencies apart from that.


The module is available on qpm:

qpm install com.cutehacks.pusher


Here is a code snippet demonstrating how the component is used:

import com.cutehacks.pusher 1.0


    // Declare the Pusher item and register the appKey
    Pusher {
        id: pusher
        appKey: "YOUR_APP_KEY"
        encrypted: true

        onStateChanged: {

        onError: {

        // Declare Channels to listen to channel events
        Channel {
            id: fooChannel
            name: "foo"

            // Declare an Event that will be triggered for all events on this
            // channel
            Event {
                onTriggered: {
                    console.log("channel event triggered: " +;
                    console.log(JSON.stringify(event, null, 4));

            // Declare an Event that will be triggered for a specific event
            Event {
                name: "bar"
                onTriggered: {
                    console.log("channel event triggered for: " +;
                    console.log(JSON.stringify(event, null, 4));

        // Declare an Event that will be triggered for all events on all channels
        Event {
            onTriggered: {
                console.log("pusher event triggered");
                console.log(JSON.stringify(event, null, 4));

        // Declare an Event that will be triggered for a specific event on
        // all channels
        Event {
            name: "bar"
            onTriggered: {
                console.log("pusher event triggered: " + name);
                console.log(JSON.stringify(event, null, 4));

At the moment there are three QML items that make up the API.


This must be the topmost item in the hierarchy and declares properties for setting up the connection. It contains the following properties:

appKey : string

The appKey for your Pusher account.

encrypted : bool [true]

Determines whether the connection to Pusher should be encrypted or not.

pingTimeout : int [30]

Specifies the time in seconds that the client should wait before triggering a timeout. If a timeout occurs, the state property will be "unavailable" and the module will automatically call the ping() function at intervals specified by this property.

state : string ["initialized"]

Indicates the current state of the connection. Each state is also available as a boolean property on this object (eg: connected). This is done as a convenience so you can trigger functions on specific states (eg: onConnected).

error : signal(code, message)

This signal is emitted when an error occurs either internally or if one is returned from Pusher.

ping() : function

Sends a ping request to Pusher and resets the internal timeout timer as well as the inactivity timer. Normally you should not need to call this function as it is called internally by the module.

disconnect() : function

Disconnects from Pusher.

reconnect() : function

Reconnects to Pusher. Useful after a network disruption.

authEndpoint : string ["/pusher/auth"]

Not implemented yet.

authTransport : string ["ajax"]

Not implemented yet.

auth : object

Not implemented yet.

cluster : string

Not implemented yet.

disableStats : bool [false]

Not implemented yet.


This is for subscribing to specific channels in the Pusher session. A Channel must be declared as the child of a Pusher item.

name : string

The name of the channel you want to subscribe to.

active : bool

Whether or not the channel should be active and therefore listening to events.

subscribed : readonly bool

Indicates that the channel is properly subscribed and listening for events.


This item represents a binding to a particular event type. An Event must be declared as a child of a Pusher item or a Channel item.

name : string

The type of event to listen for. Omitting this property will create a binding for all events.

triggered : signal

This signal is emitted whenever a new event arrives.


The following pieces of functionality are not yet implemented:

  • Presence Channels
  • Channel Client Events