Draws maimai (SDEY) sensors on screen according to the values in the config.
Used to debug sensor positions for MaiSense
Config works with this MaiSense fork: https://github.com/CuriousCod/MaiSense
- Edit sensor region values and window resolution in the sensor.config
- Load the application
- If the config is not loaded automatically, press F2 to load the config
- Application will resize the window and draw the sensors upon loading the config
- Default configs are located in SensorConfigs folder
- Sensors can be drawn off-screen, if the width or height exceeds the monitor resolution
- The config resolution should match the maimai window resolution in order to position the sensors correctly
- Only 1P sensors are supported
Key | Action |
Escape | Closes the application |
Spacebar | Redraws all the sensors |
F1 | Toggle always on top |
F2 | Load new config |
F5 | Reload current config |
F11 | Resize and reposition the window according to the config |
M | Moves the canvas position to mouse cursor, useful if the sensors are drawn off-screen |
T | Makes the window transparent |
Delete | Clears the current sensors from the screen |
Number keys (1-8 and 0) | Draws the matching sensor 1 -> sensor A1, 0 -> sensor C |
Number keys + Ctrl | Draws the B sensor (B1-B8) instead of A |