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Learning Smart Contract

Create Hardhad project

To setup a Hardhat project, Open up a terminal and execute these commands

mkdir hardhat-tutorial
cd hardhat-tutorial
npm init --yes
npm install --save-dev hardhat

In the same directory where you installed Hardhat run:

npx hardhat
  • Select Create a basic sample project

  • Press enter for the already specified Hardhat Project root

  • Press enter for the question on if you want to add a .gitignore

  • Press enter for Do you want to install this sample project's dependencies with npm (@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers)?

If you are not on mac, please do this extra step and install these libraries as well :)

npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers

Compile and Deploy Smart Contract

Now create a .env file in the hardhat-tutorial folder and add the following lines, use the instructions in the comments to get your Alchemy API Key URL and RINKEBY Private Key. Make sure that the account from which you get your rinkeby private key is funded with Rinkeby Ether.

// Go to, sign up, create
// a new App in its dashboard and select the network as Rinkeby, and replace "add-the-alchemy-key-url-here" with its key url

// Replace this private key with your RINKEBY account private key
// To export your private key from Metamask, open Metamask and
// go to Account Details > Export Private Key
// Be aware of NEVER putting real Ether into testing accounts

Now we will install dotenv package to be able to import the env file and use it in our config. Open up a terminal pointing athardhat-tutorial directory and execute this command

npm install dotenv

Now open the hardhat.config.js file, we would add the rinkeby network here so that we can deploy our contract to rinkeby. Replace all the lines in the hardhar.config.js file with the given below lines

require("dotenv").config({ path: ".env" });



module.exports = {
  solidity: "0.8.4",
  networks: {
    rinkeby: {
      accounts: [RINKEBY_PRIVATE_KEY],

Compile the contract, open up a terminal pointing at hardhat-tutorial directory and execute this command

npx hardhat compile

To deploy, open up a terminal pointing at hardhat-tutorial directory and execute this command

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby

Create NextJS app

To create next-app, in terminal

npx create-next-app@latest

and press enter for all the questions

Now to run the app, execute these commands in the terminal

cd my-app
npm run dev

Now go to http://localhost:3000, your app should be running 🤘

Install library

Now lets install Web3Modal library. Web3Modal is an easy to use library to help developers easily allow their users to connect to your dApps with all sorts of different wallets. By default Web3Modal Library supports injected providers like (Metamask, Dapper, Gnosis Safe, Frame, Web3 Browsers, etc) and WalletConnect, You can also easily configure the library to support Portis, Fortmatic, Squarelink, Torus, Authereum, D'CENT Wallet and Arkane. (Here's a live example on

Open up a terminal pointing at my-app directory and execute this command

npm install web3modal

In the same terminal also install ethers.js

npm install ethers