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CDK Python Docker Image

Workstation Setup

1 - Bash Profile Script

Add env bash script to .profile or .bashrc (or .zshenv on a Mac). Example:

. ~/pycdk/

2 - Github Access Token

Create a PAT using the following instructions:

  • Only give this PAT the scope to "Read Packages".

Save your PAT to your home directory as: ~/.github_pat_pycdk

3 - AWS SSO Setup

  1. Change directories to an existing PyCDK project if you have one.

  2. Source the script either by starting a new bash console or a command like: source ~/pycdk/

  3. Use the following aws cli command to configure each of your AWS SSO profiles.

    $ aws configure sso

How do I know what SSO profile to create?

  • The profile can be controlled per project by the script. See the following section below: Managing PyCDK Projects

This step is only needed once per workstation. For more information see:

4 - Docker Tag

Perform the following initially, then periodically to use the "active" cdk version. You must be logged in to AWS (see below).



Initial Login

Must be performed once per session.

$ aws sso login

Optional Verify SSO

$ aws sts get-caller-identity

Example Inline CDK Commands

$ cdk --version
$ pycdk python --version

Interactive CDK Shell

$ pycdk

Pip and installing Packages

Use the following command to install a python package locally:

cdkpip install --target .python-local [my-package]

To view installed packages, you can use:

cdkpip list

Managing PyCDK Projects

Cloning and creating new PyCDK Projects

See Cheat Sheet section below.

Managing CDK version and SSO Profile per Project

To control the CDK version and AWS Auth (SSO) per project, a PyCDK project should have this file in the root of the project folder: If this file does not already exist, you can copy the sample file from this project folder:


Change the PYCDKVER value to control the CDK version used for the project.

  • To experiment with new versions, you can use the following. This will only persist for the bash session.

     ```export PYCDKVER=2.12.0```

Change the AWS_PROFILE value to the AWS profile name you wish to use for the project. The profile(s) will need to be created once per workstation. See step 3 above for the command.

  • PRO TIP: If you have used the CDK bootstrap command to allow assume role to another account, you can use a single profile to manage many cdk projects across accounts.

Cheat Sheets

Existing repo - new clone

$ git clone [email protected]:client/cdk-project.git
$ cd cdk-project
$ cdk ls
$ cdk diff

New Python CDK Project From Scracth

$ mkdir cdk-project
$ cd cdk-project
$ cdk init --language python
#remove .venv or .env
$ sudo chown mike:mike -R *
$ sudo chown mike:mike -R .*
# Create GitHub repo
$ git remote add origin [email protected]:client/cdk-project.git
$ git push --set-upstream origin master


Automated Image Build

Build instructions are located in the workflows directory. Cumulus maintains current docker images in the Github Pacakge:

AWS Account Setup - No Longer Used

CloudFormation - ECR

Create the docker repository with ecr.yaml. This only needs to be executed once in the dev environment.

$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name pycdk-ecr --template-body file://ecr.yaml --profile cos-sso-dev

Manual Image Build (AWS)

The following instructions were used to host in AWS but are no longer used.

$ cd docker-pycdk
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 --profile college-sso-dev | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ECR
$ docker build . -t $ECR/pycdk:1.86.0 -t $ECR/pycdk:latest --build-arg CDK_VERSION=1.86.0
$ docker push $ECR/pycdk:1.86.0
$ docker push $ECR/pycdk:latest