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Alex edited this page Mar 12, 2015 · 6 revisions


  1. /egg <mob type> <amount>
    • Places the specified amount of the specified mob-type spawn-egg in your inventory
  2. /egglist
    • Displays a list of all the spawn eggs, and the many mob-type attribute aliases they each contain
  3. /eggbanworld <overworld|nether|end> <true|false>
    • Disable or enable the use of all spawn eggs (by non-ops) in a specified world
  4. /eggban <x1> <z1> <x2> <z2> <ID_Name>
    • Bans the use of all spawn-eggs between (x1, z1) through (x2, z2)
    • The ban only applies in the world (overworld / nether / end) where you execute the command
    • Assigning the banned area an ID_Name will enable you to easily manage multiple banned areas
  5. /eggunban <ID_Name>
    • Will remove the banned area that shares the specified ID_Name
  6. /eggbanlist
    • Shows whether spawn-eggs are currently banned or not banned in the overworld, nether, and end
    • Continues to display all currently banned areas, displaying the corresponding ID_Names, world, and pair of x/z coordinates
  7. /eggnerfall <true|false>
    • If true, no eggs will be able to change spawners
    • If false, it will only be CrystalEggs that can't change spawners.
  8. /eggperms <player_name> <perm_type> <true|false>
    • Gives the player with the specified name certain permissions - or takes them away
    • Note this command is case sensitive
  9. /eggperms <player_name>
    • Checks what CrystalEggFactory permissions the said player has
    • Note this command is case sensitive
  10. /eggperms
    • Lists all players with special CrystalEggFactory permissions and what permissions they have
    • Note this command is case sensitive
  11. /eggpermremove <player_name>
    • Removes all special permissions from the specified player
    • Note this command is case sensitive
  12. /eggpermslist
    • Lists all possible values of the <perm_type> argument in /eggperms, and what exactly it gives permission for

To learn more about permissions, visit the [permissions page] (

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