![PixelMan Logo] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CrowdCafe/Pixelman/master/website/static/img/logo_256.jpg)
With CrowdBox you can process your image files using micro-tasking platform http://crowdcafe.io by simply pasting your images to an app folder in dropbox.
- User - person who wants to crop his/her images
- Worker - person who performs tasks on CrowdCafe
- App - CrowdBox web-application
- User logs in to App via Dropbox
- In user's dropbox a new App folder is created
- User pastes a source folder with images to be cropped into App folder in Dropbox
- Images are sent to CrowdCafe as tasks to be cropped
- App creates crop images based on workers judgements from CrowdCafe
- App uploads crop images into the "Completed" folder inside of the source folder