Welcome to MobActions! A simple way to turn any mob into actions players can click to use!
Works with Paper, Spigot, and Bukkit servers!
Native Version: 1.16
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.16
For a simple plugin, we pack a few powerful features!
/mac action create command "command[;command 2]" "name tag text"
- Create a new command mob action
/mac action create consolecmd "command[;command 2]" "name tag text"
- Create a new console command mob action
/mac action create warp <name>
- Create a new warp mob action
/mac action create event <name>
- Create a new event mob action with a command or warp action
/mac action remove
- Remove a mob action
/mac action cancel
- Cancels the current action operation
/mac events create <event name> <wait seconds> [max players] command "command[;command 2]"
- Create a command
event with an optional player limit
/mac events create <event name> <wait seconds> [max players] consolecmd "command[;command 2]"
- Create a
console command event with an optional player limit
/mac events create <event name> <wait seconds> [max players] warp <warp name>
- Create a warp
event with an optional player limit
/mac events open <name>
- Opens event, starts event timer
/mac events cancel <name>
- Cancel an event
/mac events remove <name>
- Remove an event from Mob with click
/mac events forcestart <name>
- Forces an event to start now
/mac events info <name>
- Show information about the event
/mac events
- List all events
/mac warp <warp>
- Teleport to a warp
/mac warps
- List available warps
/mac warps set <name>
- Create a warp
/mac warps remove <name>
- Delete a warp
/mac reload
- Reloads the plugin's configuration
/mac help [page]
- Shows the specified help page
- Grants access to all warps and all other permissions (Default: disabled)
- Allows players to use all command mobs (Default: enabled)
- Allows players to use all console command mobs (Default: enabled)
- Allows players to join all events (Default: enabled)
- Allows players to use specific command mobs (Default: disabled)
- Allows players to go to a warp using /mac warp. Also needed for /mac warps (Default: op)
- Allows players to use all mob portals (Default: enabled)
- Allows players to use portals to the specific warp (Default: disabled)
- Grants access to all admin commands and warps (Default: op)
- Allows players to create action mobs with /mac action create (Default: op)
- Allows players to destroy mob portals with /mac action remove (Default: op)
- Allows players to create an event using /mac event create (Default: op)
- Allows players to remove an event using /mac event remove (Default: op)
- Allows players to start an event using /mac events start (Default: op)
- Allows players to stop an event using /mac events stop (Default: op)
- Allows players to create a warp using /mac setwarp (Default: op)
- Allows players to delete a warp using /mac delwarp (Default: op)
- Allows players to reload the plugin configuration using /mac reload (Default: op)
For now, enjoy a simple, empty config. :)
Simply drop into your server's plugin folder, and we'll generate your config for you. Restart your server or run
/mac reload
to load any changes you make or messages you add!
You can build from source by running the following command.
On macOS, Linux, or Unix:
./gradlew build
On Windows:
gradlew.bat build