A docker image for Dynalite which provides a Node.js based implementation of AWS DynamoDB, a No-SQL database. This can then be used in development and testing.
Based on the latest Node.js 8 (LTS) Alpine library image from Docker Hub.
Supports passing all options to Dynalite (also see the README):
$ docker run -p 4567:4567 countingup/dynalite --help
Usage: dynalite [--port <port>] [--path <path>] [options]
A DynamoDB http server, optionally backed by LevelDB
--help Display this help message and exit
--port <port> The port to listen on (default: 4567)
--path <path> The path to use for the LevelDB store (in-memory by default)
--ssl Enable SSL for the web server (default: false)
--createTableMs <ms> Amount of time tables stay in CREATING state (default: 500)
--deleteTableMs <ms> Amount of time tables stay in DELETING state (default: 500)
--updateTableMs <ms> Amount of time tables stay in UPDATING state (default: 500)
--maxItemSizeKb <kb> Maximum item size (default: 400)
Report bugs at github.com/mhart/dynalite/issues
$ cd docker-dynalite
$ docker build -t countingup/dynalite .
# Default
$ docker run -d -p 4567:4567 countingup/dynalite
# With additional options
$ docker run -d -p 4567:4567 countingup/dynalite --maxItemSizeKb 512
# With persistent data
$ docker run -d -p 4567:4567 -v /some/host/path:/some/container/path countingup/dynalite --path /some/container/path