Leaflet-tools is a custom leaflet extensions.You can measure,change basemaps,control your layerlist etc.
controls: [
type: 'measure',
label: '测量'
type: 'basemaps',
label: '底图'
type: 'layerlist',
label: '图层'
type: 'dropdown',
label: '图例',
icon: '<i class="icon icon-map-o"></i>',
fn: function (el) {
var legendInfos = [
{label: '10', color: '#FFEDA0', size: '15'},
{label: '20', color: '#FED976', size: '15'},
{label: '30', color: '#FEB24C', size: '15'},
{label: '40', color: '#FD8D3C', size: '15'},
{label: '50', color: '#FC4E2A', size: '15'},
{label: '60', color: '#E31A1C', size: '15'}
var div = L.DomUtil.create('div', '');
// loop through our density intervals and generate a label with a colored square for each interval
for (var i = 0, len = legendInfos.length; i < len; i++) {
if (legendInfos[i].size) {
var lw, lh, lw = lh = legendInfos[i].size;
div.innerHTML +=
'<span style="display: block;margin: 2px;line-height: ' + lh + 'px"><i style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;background:' + legendInfos[i].color + '; width: ' + lw + 'px;height:' + lh + 'px;"></i> ' +
legendInfos[i].label + '</span>';
else {
div.innerHTML +=
'<span style="display: block;margin: 2px"><i style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;background:' + legendInfos[i].color + ';"></i> ' +
legendInfos[i].label + '</span>';
div.style.margin = "2px";
div.style.overflow = "auto";
div.style.maxHeight = "500px";