This R package aims to make it easier to coordinate CorrelAid projects by providing utility functions. Additional, more text-focused help can be found in the documentation for project coordinators.
This package is only available on GitHub and there are no plans to submit it to CRAN.
with {devtools}
or with the {remotes}
install the development version from the dev
branch (experimental, for
remotes::install_github("CorrelAid/projectutils", ref = "dev")
This package can help you to create and update entries for the CorrelAid project “database”. For instructions related to this functionality, please refer to the README of the CorrelAid project “database”.
provides templates for scripts with all the necessary
workflow steps for team selection.
Those templates can be installed / created in a (newly created)
subfolder with:
- download applications from kobotoolbox
and do data cleaning (
) - anonymize applications (
) - store the mapping of applicant_ids to emails and names
- knit a PDF report that includes helpful visualizations of the self-rating questions as well as the answers to the open-ended questions
- based on the
s of the selected team members, extract the email addresses of the selected / declined applicants and write a “;” - separated string to the clipboard for convenient copy-pasting into Outlook.
Executing use_team_selection_workflow()
will also create two RMarkdown
templates in the folder. Those are supposed to be knitted by
and not directly. You can adapt
them if needed.
Yet to be implemented:
- reports on the feedback on the project from NPOs
- reports on the feedback on the project from volunteers