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Prime Number Catacombs - Web Version

Live version running on GitHub Pages

This code repository is still a work in progress.

Compiling and Running

You will need to install the following tools:

After cloning the repository, the first step is to compile the Rust code to WebAssembly. This will put all the compiled WebAssembly and JavaScript code files into the pkg/ directory. Navigate to the wasm/ directory (using cd wasm), then run the command:

wasm-pack build

Next, you will need to install all of the necessary dependencies to run the frontend codebase. Navigate to the site/ directory (using cd site), then run the command:

npm install

The project uses Webpack to bundle all of the code files together. If you wish to run the project on your local computer, run the command:

npm start

Otherwise, you can build static files using the command:

npm run build

All output files will be in the build/ directory, which can be hosted on a static website.

The source code is written using TypeScript to add static typing to JavaScript. As such, it must be compiled and bundled by Webpack before it can be run by the browser. Babel is used to transpile the JavaScript code to be compatible with older browsers. This project also uses ESLint and Prettier to run static analysis on the code.