- Search in different places (your home town?)
- Change your search in some way described in the API documentation (e.g., use a category filter)
- Instead of rating information, print out phone numbers... but what will we do if we don't have phone numbers?
- Open a file and save the answers to a file instead of just printing them out.
- How many shops can you get information on at a time? what happens if you ask for more? How many do you get then?
- What is the highest rated falafel place in Seattle?
- What is the highest rated business in Seattle? Can you find out which restaurant has the most reviews ?
- How many of the 20 most highly rated restaurants have 100 or more reviews?
- Make an interactive version that prompts users for input.
Answers to the Yelp API challenges created for the Community Data Science Workshops
Answers were created by: Benjamin Mako Hill [email protected]
All answers are written for Python 3.