Read ISAN data from your screen using OCR then upload it to Starmap so you can see your real time location and share it with others.
WXPython, threading, sys, yaml, time, requests, mss, pyautogui, pytesseract, Pillow
Follow installation instructions here
Please include the coding styles present in this project (Note: This should be PEP8 unless authorisation is given by Solon#4472)
- Flask (Intermediatery Server API receive), with the waitress web server.
- WXPython (Client GUI)
- Python3 (Intermediatery Server + Client)
- Requests (Intermediatery Server + Client API send)
- PyTesseract (OCR)
IHaveNoLife#6972 on Discord and Starbase, AlexAndHisScripts everywhere else.
GNU General Public License.
Strikeeaglechase for developing Starmap and it's bot API.