A collapsing table view for presenting a list of options to choose from.
Tap or drag the drawer handle (the gray area) to open and close. When closed, the list moves below the bottom edge of the screen so that only the handle is visible.
Add CYDrawerView.h
and CYDrawerView.m
to your target. You'll need a bridging header for a Swift project.
Then, add a drawer view instance to your view controller, either programmatically or using Interface Builder.
To add the widget to a storyboard or .xib
file, add a UIView
at the bottom of your view controller. Position the view using Auto Layout so that it hugs the bottom of its superview. Then, select the view, open the Identity Inspector tab in Xcode's right sidebar, and set the class type to CYDrawerView
There's an example of this at DrawerDemo/DrawerDemo.xcodeproj
To add a CYDrawerView
programmatically, add the following to your view controller's viewDidLoad()
let drawerView = CYDrawerView.init()
drawerView.dataSource = self
drawerView.delegate = self
drawerView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
// Add layout constraints
withVisualFormat: "H:|-0-[drawerView]-0-|",
options: [],
metrics: nil,
views: ["drawerView": drawerView]))
withVisualFormat: "V:[drawerView(60)]-|",
options: [],
metrics: nil,
views: ["drawerView": drawerView]))
- Xcode 10
- iOS 8.0 and above