Goal: Create a solver in Rust to solve Tic-Tac-Toe. One level down: I should be able to give the solver a tic tac toe position and it tells me the evaluation (winning, lost, drawn) and the best move(s) if applicable.
- What are all of the primitives that I know I'll need?
- How do they need to interact?
- What's the user interface? How do I interact with it?
- How does it output something useful?
Goal: Implement all of the primitives of tic tac toe in order to simulate a game and determine who's won or lost.
- Players (X, O)
- Board
- Under the hood, this is two bitboards, one for X and one for O. Each uses a 9 digit binary number to represent the squares that are populated and easily check, e.g. for victories.
- Board can determine outcomes
- Board can be set by passing in a string
- Board can be updated directly by calling
set(i, j)
- Move
- Simple two column vector
- Can be instantiated from a string
- Can be passed into a board to update the board.
- Columns, Rows, Diagonals -- win condition
Goal: Create a representation of the game tree, in order to model the space of all possible outcomes.
Goal: Construct the entire game tree and determine the optimal move at each decision point by working backwards from the payoffs.
- X Winning = 1.0
- O Winning = -1.0
- Drawn = 0.0
In between values refer to those where the evaluation is uncertain.
Goal: In the terminal, we should be able to call the solver on a certain position and get the results.